Did you know that restoration brings peatland vegetation closer to a pristine state? 💡 A Finnish monitoring study demonstrates that peatland restoration can bring vegetation closer to its pristine state within a decade. The effects of restoration vary between different peatland types. What does peatland restoration mean? 🤔 Restoration of a forestry-drained peatland is done by filling or blocking drainage ditches to raise the water table level. Restoration plays an important role in Finland, where over half of the country’s peatlands have been drained, mainly for forestry and agriculture. Why should we care about peatland restoration? 🤔 Drained peatlands have detrimental impacts on biodiversity. Additionally, drained peatlands are significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions and waterborne nutrient loading. Successful peatland restoration supports not only biodiversity but also climate goals as well as improves water quality. Read more about the monitoring study and its results: 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dNEp_GuY The research is based on a unique peatland restoration monitoring network coordinated by Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland, University of Jyväskylä, and Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) - Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke). #Restoration #Research #Study #Agriculture #Forestry #BiodiversityLoss #Biodiversity #Climate #ClimateChange
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) - Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke)’s Post
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📢 Big News: NEFF Awarded $4.3 Million Grant to Help Maine's Oldest Forests Store More Carbon 🌳 Marking a transformative investment in northern New England’s forests, the U.S. Forest Service has awarded $4.3 million to NEFF and its partners to help Maine forest landowners protect Maine’s oldest forests and implement practices on nearby lands that will help store carbon, and protect ecosystem health and biodiversity. NEFF will partner with landowners to defer timber harvesting in forests that are at least 150 years old, known as late successional old growth (LSOG) stands. “This is a singular opportunity to protect highly valuable, ecologically rare, and carbon-dense late successional old growth forests,” said Ryan Owens, Executive Director of the New England Forestry Foundation. “It also will allow us to fund landowners and foresters to practice forestry that mitigates climate change, improves forest productivity, and improves wildlife habitat, so this is a win-win-win.” Read more: https://lnkd.in/eX6uS5kG #carbon #forestry #climatechange #oldgrowth #newengland #maine
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Norway was once at risk of losing much of its forests. But today, Norway has triple the amount of standing wood in forests than it had 100 years ago. New data reveals that the nation's forested areas have more than tripled in size, a development attributed to a combination of reforestation efforts, sustainable forestry practices, and favourable environmental conditions. Norway is among the leaders in the world when it comes to innovation and new applications of forest-based raw materials. Norway United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) #Norway #Forest #ForestGrowth #SustainableForestry
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Are forest management practices keeping up with today's environmental challenges? 🌿 Forests are essential for maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity, but they’re increasingly vulnerable to threats like severe droughts, invasive species, and habitat fragmentation. In our latest article, we explore key forest management strategies—such as carbon sequestration, sustainable forestry, and biodiversity preservation—that can help safeguard these vital ecosystems. For more information also join our webinar, which will be taking place next Tuesday, September 24th at 5pm CET. Register here: https://lnkd.in/ekmkQffH Curious how your business can contribute to healthier, more resilient forests? Read more about how Improved Forest Management can make a difference: https://lnkd.in/eMTEtmmZ #ForestManagement #SustainableForestry #CarbonSequestration #Biodiversity #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalProtection #Forestry #EcosystemPreservation #ClimateChange #DroughtResilience #ForestsForFuture
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Forests are at the heart of biodiversity, carbon balance, and human well-being. Canada’s forestry practices are among the most sustainable globally, with less than 0.02% of our forests converted to other uses annually. New regulations like the EU’s Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR) challenge our commitment to sustainability and addressing fire risks. In Canada, we replant with native species, ensuring that our forests remain resilient, biodiverse, and equipped to face climate change. Continue reading in Policy Magazine’s Forestry For The Future special edition: https://lnkd.in/eiPRr-Y7 Alice Palmer
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Responsible forest management is a fundamental tool to tackle biodiversity loss and ensure we have forests for all, forever 🌳 FSC’s forestry standards assure the highest biodiversity protection currently available for commercial forestry. FSC Forest Management Certificate Holders must: ✅ ensure forest ecosystems are healthy and resilient ✅ protect endangered and threatened species and habitats ✅ prevent deforestation and degradation, and ✅ maintain or enhance environmental values such as biodiversity, carbon storage, water and soil quality This FSC Forest Week and beyond, you can be part of our ongoing mission to contribute to a more sustainable future. Taking small, daily actions can drive positive change for our planet. Find out more: https://lnkd.in/eQAUyYMw #FSCForestWeek
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We will be at the Confor: Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) UK Policy Conference on the 5th December. If you're going too please do come and find us, at 12.35pm we will be showing our latest films in the Wood for the Trees series, a two-parter exploring #ContinuousCoverForestry (CCF). Filmed at Stourhead (Western) Estate in Wiltshire with David Pengelly, the film asks if forests can be managed to support biodiversity, enhance climate resilience, and maintain profitable timber harvesting. CCF is widespread across Europe but less so in the UK. What role might it have in our forest future? #forestryuk #sustainableforestry #regenerativeforestry #woodindustry #forestsandclimate #ukwoodlands #greeneconomy #ukforestry #woodforthetreesuk The Woodland Trust The Wildlife Trusts Evolving Forests Forestry England Forestry Commission Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Sylva Foundation
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Earth Day 🌎 is an annual celebration on April 22nd to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to take action to protect our planet. Williams Forestry & Associates (WFA) is a company committed to planting native trees and shrubs for a brighter future. To date, we have planted over 500 million native trees and shrubs! Here is a perfect example of what tree and shrub plantings can do for the environment. This was a mine site that we were asked to restore by planting bare root tree and shrub seedlings. The first photo was taken in 2009, and the second photo was taken in 2017, showing the progress made by WFA in reforesting the disturbed areas. Most importantly, by working with clients and regulators we were able to establish a healthy and "Native" forest ecosystem back to this site that without planting would most likely have been dominated by invasive and non native species. #plantmoretrees #EarthDay #Sustainability #Environment #CleanAir #NativePlants
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I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: Climate Smart Forestry from FAO! **Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF)** is an approach to forest management that integrates climate change adaptation and mitigation. It focuses on enhancing forest resilience, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainable livelihoods. The key aspects of **Climate-Smart Forestry** include: 1. **Reducing emissions** through preventing deforestation, forest degradation, and encouraging sustainable forest management. 2. **Increasing carbon sequestration** by enhancing forest carbon stocks through restoration, agroforestry, and afforestation. 3. **Enhancing adaptive capacity** of forests and forest-dependent communities to climate change by incorporating resilience-building measures. 4. **Fostering synergies** between forestry interventions and other development sectors, including agriculture and biodiversity conservation. The course typically covers practical strategies for integrating climate change considerations into forest management, analyzing trade-offs, and developing policies and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts. #FAO #FAOelearningAcademy #Forestry #CSA #CSF
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The signage on this truck screams irony, isn't it? Well, it can seem contradictory to promote tree planting while also cutting down trees for logging. However, sustainable forestry practices aim to balance these activities to meet economic needs while preserving the environmental integrity for future generations. What then is responsible logging? This involves replanting trees and managing forests in a way that maintains biodiversity and ecosystem health, thereby creating a win-win situation. #Sdg15
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Why is it crucial to actively control the wallaby population in New Zealand? Here, we break down the reasons that underscore the importance of vigilance: Protecting Native Ecosystems: Controlling wallaby numbers supports the growth and regeneration of native plants and animals, thereby strengthening the chances of survival of endangered species and rejuvenating natural habitats. Safeguarding Agriculture & Forestry: Without active management, wallabies can cause severe damage to crops and forestry plantations, jeopardising the livelihood of farmers and the sustainability of rural communities. Maintaining Ecological Balance: By keeping a controlled wallaby population, we can ensure the long-term preservation of biodiversity, which is integral to the health and resilience of our ecosystems. Understanding these reasons is the first step towards taking productive action to safeguard our natural environment. Explore comprehensive strategies and solutions and learn how you can make an impact today in our blog via the link in our bio. #WallabyManagement #AgroProtection #ForestSupport #EcosystemRestoration #BiodiversityPreservation #SustainableLandUse #ConservationMatters #AgroSustainability #ForestPreservation #EcologicalSupport #NaturePreserve #ProtectNZ #SpeciesSurvival #WildlifeCare #EcoAwareness #EnvironmentalContribution #EcologicalImpact #BiodiversitySupport #SustainableFarming #ForestManagement
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