Lost & Found: Episode 4 - The Final Chapter! 🌟
As "Lost & Found" comes to an end, I want to take this time to thank everyone who participated in the project and supported me along the way. This project meant a lot to me, as it was a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Even before arriving in Finland, I knew that part of my volunteering journey would involve creating a small media/communication project. I brainstormed a lot, aiming to come up with something meaningful to me and beneficial for our audience.
Many ideas came and went. One of them was to interview people about why they think Finland is the happiest country. I was curious to find out their reasons, but the journey that brought me to Finland felt more compelling. I came to Finland with the European Solidarity Corps program to find myself. 🇫🇮✨After graduation, I knew what I didn’t want to do, but what I wanted to do was still a big question. There are so many options out there, and without trying them, I knew I wouldn’t find the answer.
Starting this journey helped me grow as an individual, learn more about myself, and gain new skills in an NGO setting, an international environment, and especially in communication. I found my passion for intercultural communication here. To be honest, it happened even sooner than I expected!🌐
Then I thought to myself, I shouldn’t be the only person experiencing self-discovery through international experiences. Hence, "Lost & Found" was born. With L&F, the goal was to collect short videos from current and former international volunteers about what they learned about themselves. It showcases how new experiences can change your perspective and provide new realizations and ideas. 🎥🌏
Isn’t life just about self-development and discovery? How we embark on that journey is up to us.
I would like to thank my colleagues at Maailmanvaihto ry - ICYE Finland for their support, and fellow volunteers: Mariam, Beyza, Volha, and Joya for participating and sharing their meaningful experiences.💖
EN/FI 🌟 Lost & Found: Episode 4 - The Final Chapter! 🌟
Lost & Found is a project that shows how getting a little lost in life can lead to big discoveries. Through volunteering in different countries, people find new perspectives, passions, and ways to bring people together.
In this last episode, we hear from Joya, who's been volunteering at Aitoo Vocational College since October 2023. Joya shares what she's learned from her international volunteering experience and shows us short clips from her daily life at Aitoo.
Don't miss the final episode of Lost & Found!
🌟 Lost & Found: Jakso 4 - Viimeinen jakso! 🌟
Lost & Found on projekti, joka näyttää, kuinka pieni eksyminen elämässä voi johtaa suuriin oivalluksiin. Eri maissa tapahtuvan vapaaehtoistyön kautta ihmiset löytävät uusia perspektiivejä, intohimoja ja tapoja tuoda ihmisiä yhteen.
Viimeisessä jaksossa tapaamme Joyan, joka on toiminut vapaaehtoisena Aitoon koulutuskeskuksessa lokakuusta 2023 alkaen. Joya jakaa, mitä hän on oppinut kansainvälisen vapaaehtoistyön kokemuksistaan ja näyttää lyhyitä klippejä arjestaan Aitoossa.
Älä missaa Lost & Foundin viimeistä jaksoa!
#LostAndFound #EuropeanSolidarityCorps #EuroopanSolidaarisuusjoukot #volunteering #vapaaehtoistyö #Maailmanvaihto #ICYEFinland
Founder & Owner Speak Up Now | Co-Founder Human Institute for Inner Sustainability | Social Anthropologist | Communications Specialist| Coach | Facilitator
2wThank you, Francesca Mørkeberg Baggio, for using your expertise as a Marketing Coordinator and specialities within Social Media and Exhibitions Planning in the TEDX marketing team🙌 I clearly remember this TED talk “The Edge of Freedom” with NIAZ BAYATI which is one of my favourite talks as well. It gave me goosebumps, made me laugh and made me cry at the same time. So amazing and full of hope🙏🌍