Yes, it seems like everyone is talking about AI. But this is a little different. Read to the end if you are a company or organization interested in AI in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.
Today we have formally announced the launch of the IAméricas project, an initiative of IDB Lab BID Lab (the innovation and investment arm of the Interamerican Development Bank, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo) and Adigital, where we act as general coordinator.
What is IAméricas? The article below explains it (in Spanish), but in my own words, it is a project to support SMEs, micro-SMEs, startups and scale-ups in the Latin American and Caribbean region so that artificial intelligence can serve to be more competitive and always in an inclusive and sustainable way.
What I am particularly excited about is that it is what I call a "trenches" project. With the help of experts, companies and other organisations in the region, we are going to talk about responsible AI with different public and private entities and with any interested person, yes. But above all, we are going to ACT. We will train in everything related to methodologies, tools, technologies and approaches, in a personalized way, so that SMEs can use, improve and evaluate AI systems that allow them to be more productive and competitive, and so that startups and scale-ups can create secure systems that increase people's trust and inclusiveness. And we are going to go further, offering specific tools, both technological and support, so that companies know which ones to use and when, to obtain the maximum impact. Always with the help of the organisations and experts who are already leading AI in the region.
The project is announced today, but we have been working on it for almost twelve months. Months of hard work together with the IDB Lab team, led by its CEO Irene Arias Hofman, CFA, its Chief Discovery Officer, César Buenadicha and its Chief Strategy Officer Marcelo Cabrol, and on a day-to-day basis with amazing experts such as Carolina Carrasco, César Said R. or Mara Balestrini, as well as specialists from the countries involved. From Adigital, with the leadership of Cesar Tello and Miguel Ferrer Jiménez, and with Juliett M. Suárez Ferreira or Laura Pozo Sampedro. And many other people behind both organizations that I don't put here so it doesn't look like a wedding invitation list :)
Now, this is like when you get a round of investment in a startup: celebrate quickly because now you have to prove it. And with Vanessa Nèble as project coordinator for a couple of months now, we are 200% on it.
We can't do this alone. We are looking for partners who want to accompany us on this adventure for the next three years... or more. We already have top companies starting this journey. Want to know more? Contact me!
IAméricas, boosting business competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean with responsible artificial intelligence
#AI #IDBLab #Adigital #ResponsibleAI #IAméricas #LAC
Nos encontramos en un momento clave de la digitalización de la economía global y adopción de la IA, que en el caso de América Latina y Caribe, tiene que ser aprovechada en beneficio de su desarrollo económico y social.
🤝Por ello, estamos muy felices de anunciar que unimos fuerzas con BID Lab, el brazo de innovación y capital emprendedor del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, para ayudar a que empresas en América Latina y el Caribe adopten herramientas y estándares de gobernanza responsable de la #InteligenciaArtificial.
📍La iniciativa #IAméricas se centrará en cinco países: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México y Uruguay, con la misión de impulsar la competitividad de empresas, especialmente startups y pymes, apoyándolas en la adopción de herramientas y estándares de #IA responsable. Se desarrollará en 3️⃣ ejes:
📚Formación a las empresas con el fin de maximizar el uso y aplicación de IA,
✅divulgación de buenas prácticas y desarrollo de un modelo de uso responsable y garantista de esta tecnología
🛠️e implementación de las herramientas de IA responsable.
💡Cesar Tello, Director General de Adigital: “Con gobernanza responsable, podemos crear un círculo empresarial virtuoso en América Latina y el Caribe, conectando estrechamente con instituciones y empresas españolas y europeas".
🗣️ Irene Arias Hofman, CFA, CEO de BID Lab: “La inteligencia artificial ofrece una oportunidad sin precedentes para impulsar el desarrollo inclusivo de América Latina y el Caribe.”
La patronal Adigital y el BID se alían para el impulso de la IA en Latinoamérica