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The future is autonomous

Alex V.

multi-disciplinary interests | INTJ/ENTJ


...wait, so it's okay to sleep behind the wheel now? 😅 So, I guess we might as well have a drink behind the wheel too, right?! Has it been okayed by the government or are we still waiting for a Trump presidential win before that happens? 🤣 Let's go Partymobiles, Officemobiles, Domicibiles!? lol. Autonomous mobile office/sleep/party/home/gaming stations on wheels, now that is so awesome! It sounds like Elon could be saying (but didn't necessarily) that Optimus could do all the choirs, even replacing you at your job and do it even better than you perhaps, making you more money that you could have done yourself which you could use to buy another Optimus to do your other choirs, and then another one again to send to your neighbor for whatever as a favor or something, meanwhile having them mine crypto coins the entire time for you... also, a secret that no one talks about in the news is that your wife will never complain again, especially when Optimus can go at 3000 RPMs while you can barely do 3, jk ofc, cheer up! What would you do if you saw an actual Optimus doing groceries at your local grocery store one day?! That's when you'll realize that you should have bought more $TSLA stocks this whole entire time!! jk 😅 Cheers🤣

Looking forward to seeing how the new technology will be in the future.

Alois Widmann

GlobalmatiX - Connect the Unconnected


Liebe Tesla, lernt eurem Autopilot doch erstmal wie man Verkehrsschilder richtig liest. Die Gegenwart bedeutet, dass ein Tesla mit 120 km/h fährt, in der kommenden Baustellen auf der BAB aber nur 60km/h erlaubt sind. Der Tesla brettert mit 120km/h weiter. Noch viel zu lernen du noch hast, lieber Autopilot, bevor The future autonomous wird.

J. Stassin

Part time very flexible.


That's gonna be ONE Hella bon fire. FYI, that relinquishes more individual freedoms and power and only makes the future a much stricter place.

Daniel Abbott

Principal Technical Account Manager at HarperDB, Inc.


Too bad your cars are easy defeated by squirrels

Gaza Duna

Machine Builder, Hobbiest Engineer, Jack of all Trades.


So you are telling me that world is going to be a closed loop system that is monitored by people, who make decisions as what we do with our lives??? Please go to Mars, and see how that works for you.

Zyndee Gonzalez

Project Quality Manager at Wärtsila Battery Energy Storage & Optimization


How about building better transportation like bullet trains or better road infrastructure

I have no doubt the technology will be there, but what about the legal? If I buy a Robo taxi to shuttle me around and it hits someone, or someone hits the robo taxi, is Tesla paying for all this? Do I need auto insurance? If so, why? I'm 57 and paying $2K+ a year in Colorado. It's insane! Will there be a monthly program where I get X amount of miles for X amount of dollars? If I don't have to pay for insurance or charging, that might be a significant savings. Will I be able to schedule a robo taxi to pick me up, say at 7:30am Monday through Friday, take me to work, then pick me up at 4:30pm Monday through Friday and take me back home?

Vincent D.

Sr. Director, Nokia | AI, Network Architecture, & Engineering | Ex-SuperMicro Ex-Google


Definition of a company that’s pushing boundaries and most importantly, thinking of the future. Taking technology to the next level 🚀

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