In 2024, as we celebrate International Women's Day, let's champion inclusion and accelerate progress by investing in women. By fostering diverse voices and creating equitable opportunities, we amplify the strength of our collective potential. It's time to bridge gaps and dismantle barriers, recognizing that empowering women isn't just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity for societal advancement. Investing in women means investing in education, healthcare, and leadership, propelling us towards a future where every woman's talent is unleashed, every dream is nurtured, and every contribution is valued. According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) last report on women and men in Nigeria, 22% of annual STEM graduates from Nigerian universities are women, while about 5% of this figure can be found in the information and communication technology sector. Therefore, to sustain the inclusion journey, we are required to catch them young. Let's commit to a world where inclusivity is not just a goal but a shared reality by standing strong with women. Listen with an open mind to hear, uplift, and advocate. Choosing to be an ally to empower creates a world where women thrive and equity prevails. #inspireinclusion #whispersbyTEN #20241WD
Inspiring and good to see you back Tessy
Absolutely inspiring message! Together, we can create a world where inclusivity isn't just a goal but a lived reality.
Senior Advisor | Operations Management, Risk and Innovation Management | Integrating People, Capital, Technology, Safety & Sustainability to deliver value and purposeful outcomes for society.
11moTesssy. Good to see you again