Setting up a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation for your problem requires attention to details and careful consideration of several factors to ensure accurate and meaningful results. In this post, I will remind you with the things you must be careful about when using CFD, whether or not it’s open-source, commercial or in-house code.
Interesting discussion. As Julio has mentioned the geometry details necessary to get a CFD project going can add an overwhelming amount of complexity to a CFD project. As you have pointed out it is quite important to have a solid plan before jumping into the mechanics of using a CFD software tool to runa a CFD project. I have a webinar that can be found here that details my perspective on how to go about setting up and running a heat transfer problem.
CFD Scientist and High Performance Computing Specialist.
9moInteresting post; 80% of the time actually goes to preprocessing ! That is quite accurate; I said preprocessing not only CAD clean up or healing. Unfortunately, internal or external clients don’t understand that and for them CFD is only the colors. ThY can create frustration in the timeline so make sure you mentioned that at the beginning of the project. Also; you mentioned a “good quality” low squewness angle. But the question is, how “good” and how “low”. That is rather subjective and case dependent. There are instances where you spent days reducing the squewness angle from 87 to 82 and you get negligible benefits. So be mindful and don’t see life in right, wrong instead use a spectrum between good and bad. For meshes; Pointwise, hands down !