Barriers to skill development within organizations often stem from a lack of time, budget constraints, and sometimes, insufficient prioritization by leadership. However, armed with a bit of self-discipline, anyone—regardless of their role or business level—can enrich their understanding by keeping abreast of the broader business landscape. At ExP, we are ardent believers in the transformative power of real-life stories. These narratives do more than just inspire; they widen our perspectives and catalyse growth. In today's spotlight, we examine Procter & Gamble's recent challenge and, more critically, how they adapted and continued to thrive against the odds. Join us in drawing lessons from the experiences of others. Embark on this path of continuous improvement and horizon expansion with us. #HR #CFO #ACCAStudents #ACCAMembers #CMAStudents #CIMAStudents #DipiFRStudents #SkillDevelopment #BusinessInsights #RealLifeStories