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What strategies do you use to manage stress at work?

Amy Frolka

I'm a Business Alchemist; consulting, marketing & sales, strategic forecast, & corporate retreats.


Perspective & value of the self. When we align to our highest selves we are able to surrender to any & all outside projections. Living within our authentic leadership design allows us to have healthy boundaries & to nurture ourselves. This becomes projected to the outside environment/people/experiences (meaning we recieve what we give). I love to start my day in a way that nurtures my values; meditation, positive affirmation, peace, gratitude journaling. This daily routine sets the "tone" of my interactions for my day.

Sweta Leena Panda

Business Data Analysis(Python, Power BI, SQL),Product Marketing,Web Development, SEO, SEM| 1:1 Call:|Post Grad in Product Management & AI-ML 🚀 Follow me and let's grow together


I don’t believe in work stress, when we have supportive managers and higher authority- we feel more energetic and enthusiastic while working, even we know the work is quite stressful but we enjoy the journey as we are learning and progressing, here no one is judging anyone as all help each other during the process. I worked for many startup as a freelancer even full time where I started even executed many operational processes even marketing activities from zero and took it to next level. Now most of them are not in my review/rating list but I guess my portfolio speaks on that. The work is stressful in 2 scenarios, First: when we don’t have any supporter, we give our 100% to prove ourselves and we are failing to get into other notice. Second : When we don’t like the work we do but we do it for the sake of money or family or job , no job satisfaction I can say, it can be due to various reasons like personal life issues, health issues or any other. Besides these I don’t believe in stress in work. Work is something one need to enjoy the process but yes, one feel disappointment when they give their 100% but credit goes to someone else, they proposed the idea but someone else is portrayed their idea before others and many such.

Steph Davis RGN, MSc. FRSPH

Senior Health Protection Nurse in the SW Health Protection Team, UKHSA. Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) UKHSA mentor. Crossing Thresholds graduate and mentor.


Helping other people Pacing techniques Mindfulness Craft Reading Walking

Jessica Tefenkgi Ruelle

Freelance Heart-Centered + Sustainable Content Writer + Email Marketing / Mindset Coach for Sensitive & Ambitious Women


Mindfulness: taking a few intentional, conscious breaths, coming back to the present moment by witnessing 5 things I can see, 4 things I can touch, 3 things I can hear, 2 things I can smell, 1 thing I can taste. And remembering that the “I” experiencing stress is only the mind, the real I, as the observer, is always at peace.

Divya Alvares

Mentoring- NLP Counsellor/ Intuitive Tarot Reader/ Access Bar Healer / Therapist


Work unknowingly has become more stressful zone today. 80% of the one’s awaken time is spent at work place, if not managed well can take a major toll in one’s personal life too. 1) Stress is one of the emotions, when it starts overpowering other emotions it creates repurcations. And it has efficiency to reduces productivity and decision-making abilities, leading to mistakes and inefficiency. It also increases absenteeism, diminishes job satisfaction, and can strain workplace relationships. 2) Stress Management Strategies- Spending 30 to 60 minutes of time with self first thing in morning does all the magic. One can perform Yoga, just dance, or walk on green grass or may be just sit with the cup of coffee doing nothing at all. This helps to bring ones mind in control and enhance one’s capabilities to focus. It difficult to stress out a head strong person. In office, during a stressful moment learn to “Focus to important, Detach to least important things and Declutter the rest” Mastering to control your mind is the most powerful strategy to control any emotion and handle any situation 3) Stress releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, triggering the “fight or flight” which further creates depression & anxiety

Swati Agarwal

Chief Executive Officer @ Bear River Associates


1. Meditation: I meditate daily. It helps me clear my mind and stay focused. 2. Listen More, React Less: I’ve learned to listen more and react less. This allows me to understand better and respond thoughtfully. 3. Reflect Before Responding: Taking a moment to reflect before I respond helps me handle situations more effectively. 4. Don’t Take Things Personally: I remind myself not to take things personally. It helps me maintain a professional perspective and reduces stress. 5. Replenish After Hours: I make sure to clock out and spend time with my loved ones or have some “me time” to recharge.

Marcin Opieczyński

Transport Manager @ IP Logistic Jacek Pytka | Freight Management


I walk a lot before and after work. Mindfulness

Sam Hayden

Communications Coordinator @ SIA


I've been guilty of not managing my stress levels very well in previous jobs. (Well, not managing it at all, actually 😬 😂) But the most important thing is always to step away. From the screen, from the project, from the day itself - talk to someone about something completely different, do another task, whatever it takes to switch that side of your brain off and reset.

Shalini Jayachandran

Head of Operations | Web3 | Blockchain Gaming Enthusiast | Unity3D Art Pipeline Specialist


To be frank it is just the work pressure, could say time constraints and lack in process knowledge could lead to mental pressure ... Analyzing why your stressed and finding a way to solve that problem could be challenging but will definitely be a relief. And It is always good to ve our personal time. Staying alone and thinking over the problems/issues and venting out if we feel is totally ok, will really help to reduce the stress level. Next day will definitely be fresh.

Minerva Santo-Tomas, MD, FACC

CEO/President Heart Light Communications, LLC “Every heartbeat tells a story. Invest in yourSELF today so you can live your best life tomorrow”


I believe communication is a vital element to career success including the management of workplace stress. We are living at a time when leadership aristocracy, isolationism, and excessive micromanagement are outdated, undesirable, and established detriments to the goal. With mechanisms in place like easier accessibility, support groups, emotional and social intelligence counseling, coping and adaptation skills, and resilience training, not one individual should suffer silently under their watch. If you’re feeling stressed, TALK about it. Reach out to a colleague, a mentor or management. Find a sponsor. Recurrent work stress can not only lead to isolation, affect productivity, and divide your team but can result in serious long term physical and mental health conditions. So, if you feel happy or blue or mad or sad, speak up! Get it off your chest, and move on so you can focus on your career and reach for the stars! If you want to learn more about stress and how it’s affecting us all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. M

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