Amazing opportunity for a leadership development programme from our friends at Northern Soul Consultancy C.I.C 👇
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” - Angela Davis At Northern Soul, we strongly believe in young people’s capacity to engage and spark change. We believe change is possible, can happen at all scales and can be most powerful at grassroots level. We nurture those who are passionate about social justice and push for greater recognition of the talent that exists outside London. SPARK is a brand new leadership development programme for Northerners aged 18-25, delivered by Northern Soul and funded by Virgin Money Foundation and The National Lottery Community Fund. We are looking for 15 diverse individuals to form our 2025 cohort. Through a 10-month programme of in-person learning days, online masterclasses and 121 coaching, we will work with participants at initial ideas or early start-up stages to grow their confidence and leadership skills and support them to develop an action plan for positive change. Interested in finding out more? You can download our info pack here and APPLY HERE >> Please like, share, signpost and re-post this opportunity far and wide 💫 #leadership #youthleadership #leadershipdevelopment #innovation #youthprogramme #youth #changemaker #youngchangemaker #change #programme #self #soul #society #northernsoul #community