Australian Local Government Benchmark Survey Results are in! Lots of data and insights for Councils ready now. See our published insights also here #localgov #localgovernment #CIO #CEO #CTO #australiangovernment #council #councils #financialcontroller #finance #corporateservices #corporatefinance #councilfinance #ICT #itmanager #itmanagement #budget #budgets #budgetplanning #localgovernmentbudget #sustainability #ministerforlocalgovernment #qldgovernment #cloud #saas #cloudmigration #digitaltransformation #organisationalchange #erp #erpsolutions #
*** Local Government ICT Benchmark | 3rd Edition *** Exciting news for those who participated in the Local Government ICT Benchmark Survey last year! The report is finally ready, thanks to all who contributed their data. While the report is still at the printers, we wanted to give you a sneak peek at a few topics. Check them out below. What's next? We're offering to help you make use of this valuable data. Whether it's; - running a remote TEAMS session to go through the full report; - conducting an onsite review session with you, your team or Executive, or - joining in on one of our CIO Roundtable events (QLD, NSW and VIC scheduled soon), we're here to help. Please reach out to me either via DM, dcollyer@strategicdirections or 0458 016 636. Stay tuned for the full report in a few weeks! #localgovernment #data #insights #strategicdirections #localbusiness #ict