In order to transition the world to full sustainability, every company's strategy must be rooted on nature. I found the examples on how City Developments Limited Holcim and Manulife Investment Management have integrated sustainability in strategy and their everyday processes quite inspiring. If these actions could be replicated everywhere, the journey to the attainment of #SDG9 could be an immediate reality that a flirting illusion it seems to be at the present moment. #TheTalkWithMerelin #sdgs #sdg9 #sustainableinfrastructure #sustainableindustry #innovation #sustainability #agenda2030 #carbonneutrality #womenempowerment #youthempowerment #inclusivedevelopment #justtransition #netzero
🌿 Is your company eager to enhance its nature strategy or considering starting one, but unsure where to start? Explore our latest publication in collaboration with three of our members – City Developments Limited, Holcim, Manulife Investment Management – and discover how to leverage our Roadmap to Nature Positive: Foundations for the built environment system to inform your company’s #naturepositive journey. Get inspired by these practical examples from your peers in the built environment sector and join the mission of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030! 👉 Read the practical examples here: #NaturePostive #BuiltEnvironment #HaltAndReverseNatureLoss