Researchers at the University of Tennessee and the University of Central Arkansas have updated their ongoing study of matched urine and hair drug tests taken from licensed truck drivers, to include 2023 data. Now with more than 1 million matched results, hair drug testing is 14x more accurate at identifying repeated illegal drug users. Despite a 2015 federal law to do so, the federal bureaucracy continues to prohibit positive hair drug tests in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. Employers have no way of knowing if a driver has previously failed a hair drug test. The Trump Administration will likely do the right thing and finally allow positive hair test results into the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. Read it here:
The Trucking Alliance’s Post
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Researchers at the University of Tennessee and the University of Central Arkansas just completed their analysis of 38,311 matched pre-employment hair and urine drug tests submitted by licensed truck drivers in 2023. The results show that hair testing identified significantly more drug positives than urine testing, demonstrating its effectiveness in detecting lifestyle drug use. These findings highlight the need for the U.S. Department of Transportation to accept positive pre-employment hair test results to the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, as Congress directed the agency to do in 2015. #Trucking #RoadSafety #SaferRoadsForAll #Transportation #HairTesting
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The latest STPP brief by Nia Knox (MPP '25) looks at the concerns about oral fluid drug tests police officers use to screen motorists for the presence of drugs during traffic stops. Read more here:
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Good quick read on drug use for parents sending their kiddos off to college. 💊💉 ‘What parents do not know about student drug use’. #collegefreshman #collegeparents #personalinjuryattorney #criminalattorney
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Fascinating 2023 data on Understanding Implied Consent and Testing Procedures: 🚔 - Implied consent laws require drivers to submit to BAC or drug tests. - Refusal can lead to license suspension and other penalties. - Blood tests are more accurate but take longer to process. - Breath tests are quicker but less reliable. Signals of where the world is headed. 📈 Charged With A DUI? We're Here To Help. - Share or comment if you found this useful! #DUI #LegalAdvice #MesaAttorney #mesaduilawyer
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Researchers at the University of Tennessee and the University of Central Arkansas analyzed 72,622 matched pre-employment hair and urine drug tests submitted in 2023, by licensed commercial truck drivers. Hair testing uncovered 14x more drug positives than the urine drug tests. Researchers concluded that “to the extent federal agencies wish to improve roadway safety by disqualifying drivers who use drugs, we recommend that carriers be allowed to submit pre-employment hair test results to the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.” #Trucking #RoadSafety #SaferRoadsForAll #Transportation #HairTesting
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If an employer has ‘actual knowledge’ of a truck driver’s drug use, other than by a DOT urinalysis, the employer can submit the information to the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. A positive hair drug test is another obvious example of an employer’s actual knowledge. But FMCSA says ‘no.’ Why? #DrugTesting #RoadSafety #SaferRoadsForAll #Trucking #HairTesting
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Yesterday was National Clean out your Medicine Cabinet Day. Have you check your Medicine Cabinet lately? Chance are you have expired Medications, and Narcotics, that should be disposed of properly. Nearly 60 % of Americans have unused medications and narcotics in their homes that can find their way into the hands of others. Be apart of the solution and check your medicine cabinet this weekend. Encourage your family members, patients, and especially the elderly who frequently have polypharmacy issues to follow same. Then participate in National Take back day on 4/27/24 between 10a and 2pm at locations near you that can search and list via the link below. Last year on National Take back day a Total of 4,383 Law Enforcement agencies Participated to Collect: 599,897 lbs. (300 tons) of unused prescriptions including narcotics. Imagine the impact if we all participate and help stop even one person From getting their hands on narcotics that could change the course of their life. #nationaltakebackday
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
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⚠️ Fatal weight loss injection sparks urgent warnings on unregulated drugs Unregulated aesthetic treatments pose serious risks to public safety. Read the latest from JCCP and JCCP&me on the dangers of illegal weight loss injections and why regulation is crucial. 🔗 Learn more: #PublicSafety #AestheticsIndustry #PublicHealth
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But I was prescribed that medication; How can I be arrested for DUI. Here is the double standard in Nevada Courts. MJ prescriptions will be considered as reason to dismiss a DUI charge but CNS depressant such as Xanax are not. Maybe I was dealing with an inexperienced prosecutor, but the standard is the same for both substances: "To a degree which renders the person incapable of safely driving or exercising actual physical control of a vehicle," A therapeutic dose of Xanax may be up to 100ng in a blood test. What about Cannabis? There isn't one. Tolerance then? The 2ng cannabis limit is arbitrary -- this was the lowest amount the lab could detect when the law was written. An expert witness, such as I, would go a long way to clear up the standard of incapable of safely operating a vehicle. I have thousands of hours evaluating subjects and determining what is safe and what is incapable of safely driving a vehicle. #DuiConsultant #LasVegasDui #DuiAttorney #ExpertWitness #DruggedDriving #DUID
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Understanding drug possession: Actual vs. Constructive. 🚓💊 Learn the key differences in our latest video. #DrugPossession #KnowTheLaw #CriminalDefense #CriminalDefenseLaw #CriminalDefenseLawyer #StoweLawFirm #StoweLaw #NorthCarolinaLaw #NorthCarolinaLawyer #NCLawyer
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