I had the honour and pleasure today of joining a round table with the World Bank to discuss their Women, Business and the Law 2024 Report.
Very insightful data that can be used as a useful benchmark for countries and stakeholders to be alerted to the legislation and policies that are in effect in 10 different salient categories, but also highlights the often enormous gaps that remain. The absence and the lack of understanding of what does exist continues to have an enormous negative impact on women. It is a stark reminder that much more still needs to be done on justice reform: specifically strengthening legislation and implementation mechanisms to improve access to justice for all women in all circumstances.
Understanding the often nefarious impact a lack of legislative structure has on women is critical to ensure that changes are constructive, relevant and have short and long-term effects. All women, regardless of status, still need to be engaged in all aspects of justice reform and at all stages. No one left behind.
#16daysofactivism #womensrights #womensequality #accesstojustice #justicereform