When a professional decides to rebrand themselves, it often signifies a strategic turning point in their career or personal journey. The PIVOT method provides a comprehensive framework for undertaking this transformative process. The ability to PIVOT is vital when navigating the complex journey of personal rebranding. Each letter of the acronym represents a critical point on the chart to redefining oneself. ‘Prepare’ serves as the groundwork, ‘Investigate’ provides the intelligence, ‘Valuate’ sets the worth, ‘Orient’ directs the journey, and ‘Test’ refines the course. Altogether, they embody an intricate and focused approach that is indispensable for a successful personal reinvention. By harnessing the PIVOT strategy, individuals can embark on their rebranding path with intention, structure, and clarity, ensuring a transition that not only reflects their goals but also addresses the demands and nuances of the evolving professional landscape. Carl Alleyne and I talk about the P.I.V.O.T. method in our podcast: https://lnkd.in/ggbwYunp
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As platforms evolve, it’s no longer just about connecting buyers and sellers - it's about streamlining everything that happens around that transaction. Think about all the time and effort that goes into finding, contacting, and vetting suppliers or customers. What if a platform could help cut down all that back-and-forth communication and make it easy to close deals faster? That's where the true value lies - hidden transaction costs to boost productivity. Take a listen to the podcast on this topic, over here: https://lnkd.in/exAqGsgc DNA-Business
Podcast | DNA-Business I The transaction costs in B2B Marketplaces
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As platforms evolve, it’s no longer just about connecting buyers and sellers - it's about streamlining everything that happens around that transaction. Think about all the time and effort that goes into finding, contacting, and vetting suppliers or customers. What if a platform could help cut down all that back-and-forth communication and make it easy to close deals faster? That's where the true value lies - hidden transaction costs to boost productivity. Take a listen to the podcast on this topic, over here: https://lnkd.in/exAqGsgc DNA-Business
Podcast | DNA-Business I The transaction costs in B2B Marketplaces
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