Hackbyte2.0 Winner 🏆
It marked my first in-person MLH hackathon, and the scale of it was truly grand. The journey was filled with both ups and downs. Hackbyte2.0 was more than just a hackathon—it was a test of both physical and emotional endurance. Alongside tackling technical challenges, I also acquired invaluable non-technical skills.
Got many swags and stickers ,met with new people (forgot to take photo with them), tried Trending Tweet challenge, midnight games and a lot more. Met with some of the great mentors as well .A special mention to Khushi Trivedi, Sagar Uprety , Ashu Kumar, Chaitanya Rai, and Sanskriti Harmukh. All the mentors were amazing.
Huge thanks to my Squad Aditya Gha, Ramesh and Akash Paloj. Sorry if I ever caused frustration—though I believe you're accustomed to it by now! All jokes aside, a good team is essential, and I always enjoys collaborating with you all.
A special shoutout to the mentors and volunteers of BitByte TPC working super hard to ensure the best "Hacker Experience", must say Major League Hacking really ensures that every participant enjoys and learns .Additionally, winning the sponsor track of Virtual Protocol was the cherry on top of an already memorable experience .
#Hackbyte2.0 #HackathonWinner #Teamwork #Gratitude #VirtualProtocol