SIMPLICITY IS SUSTAINABILITY - 3 office towers by tfa | thomas fritzsche architects - SIMPLICITY is the cornerstone of sustainability. SIMPLICITY makes buildings functional, flexible and adaptable, and therefore future-proof and value-stable. SIMPLICITY creates buildings that meet market and client needs as well as user expectations, conserve resources, use fewer materials, provide user-friendly interiors and positively impact the environment. SIMPLICITY results in buildings with compact volumes, small building envelopes, suitable supporting structures, adequate floor heights, efficient circulation systems, healthy materials and proven details. SIMPLICITY brings forth buildings of enduring beauty and timeless elegance. #India2024 #workplacedesign #officeinteriors #officebuildings #officeparks #industrialparks #landscapedesign #greenofficebuidling #ThomasFritzsche #thomasfritzschearchitects #tfa #workplacespecialist #Germanarchitect #Germanreliability #Germanquality #performance #elegance #simplicity #functionality #sustainability #sustainabledesign # #sustainabilitytoall #DGNB #GRIHA #IGBC
Well said Thomas. It’s that simple! In their quest to make it different, many designers today end up making an exotic design, with less consideration on functionality, which is ‘the’ primary function of a building. These buildings look impressive indeed.
Where lighting meets design.
8moThomas Fritzsche, die Betonung auf Einfachheit in nachhaltigen Architekturprojekten ist wegweisend. Diese Philosophie lässt sich auch auf die Beleuchtung übertragen. Dabei bedeutet Einfachheit nicht, dass die Lösungen einfach sein sollen. Vielmehr geht es darum, die Komplexität durch intelligente Gestaltung zu beherrschen. Die Integration von Tageslichtnutzung, energiesparenden Leuchten und intelligenten Steuerungssystemen kann helfen, eine harmonische Balance zwischen Einfachheit und Funktionalität zu erreichen.