Love it mike, true- ever since we adopted this psychological, progressive parenting paradigm in the 1960's, with absolutely no evidence it will work, the family has gotten progressively more codependent on each other. I talking about parents codependent on their children to give them affirmation and validity. Think about this, for the first time in western culture a generation(1960's) decided to not raise their children the way they were raised. We have been following the pattern ever since and look at where we are. Many families are hanging in their by a thread at best or flat out chaos at worst. Maybe we should look back in time to see what worked and repeat that pattern. Western culture for centuries used the Biblical model for parent and it was extremely successful in perpetuating culture from generation to generation, until we threw it out and replaced it with the experts progressive, psychological. Look where we are today, two year olds on meds for normal two year old behavior. Just maybe we should look back and see, survival of the future demands it!
WELL SAID, MIKE....Good old days