Not sure how to talk about estate planning with your parents? 🤔 Be the example! Doing your own planning is the perfect way to not only get your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆, but start the conversation with your parents and relatives. Ready to get started? Schedule a free call with us to learn more. ☎️▶️ #forneylawtx #estateplan #willsandtrusts #powerofattorney #healthcaredirectives #guardianship #protectyourfamily #kidsprotectionplan #assetprotection #legacy #familylegacy #buildyourlegacy #estateplanningattorney #txestateplanningattorney #personalfamilylawyer #houston #adulting #smallbusiness #txsmallbusiness #businessconsulting #txnonprofit #nonprofit