Manufacturing is complex enough; today, organizations leave the critical process of direct material procurement to manual email and spreadsheets. Our data shows that when a PO is Acknowledged in SourceDay, those critical components are 40% more likely to be delivered on time. On average, that's an improvement from 58% to 81% OTD. Production scheduling, overhead costs, and revenue are more predictable and improved when parts are on time! #manufacturing #ontimedelivery #directprocurement
"Trust but verify" You may be lucky enough to have long term relationships with reliable suppliers but your business is too important to leave to trust. That's why inbound supply chain visibility is critical. Isn't it better to track and monitor the movement of goods, materials, and components from suppliers to the manufacturing or distribution site in real time? Aren't more sets of eyes better than one? Discover the benefits of inbound visibility with SourceDay. #manufacturers #distributors #supplychainvisibility
Tom, interesting, thanks.
Great post, Tom Kieley! Really insightful on improving supply chain efficiency.
COO @Sales Innovation - Bringing Software Companies to APAC
1dTom, thanks for sharing!