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Together with 17 European Technology Platforms, hashtag #TPOrganics has issued a joint statement urging European Commission for a strong strategic role of ETPs in the next Research & Innovation Framework Programme (FP10) to ensure multi-actor R&I and its transfer. Since 2003, ETPs have aligned research and innovation (R&I) priorities across Europe, turning R&I outputs into practical solutions for industry and society. This statement highlights the power of ETPs to mobilise EU-wide networks and provide valuable guidance that drives impactful research. Responding to the EU Council’s call for a strong European industry for a green, digital, and resilient future, the statement urges the Commission to strengthen ETPs’ advisory roles to bring EU research closer to the market. The critical role of ETPs as public-private partnerships should be reinforced under FP10. ALICE, Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe (ETP LOGISTICS) EATIP EPoSS Association ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council ETIP-Geothermal ETP4HPC European Technology Platform for HPC ETP4HPC European Technology Platform for HPC EUMAT - Additive Manufacturing #FABRETP Manufuture ETF (European Technology Platform) European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN Association) Photonics21 Textile ETP Water Europe Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) etp food for life FoodDrinkEurope SusChem ETP 🔗

ETP joint statement calling for a strategic role of ETPs in the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme

ETP joint statement calling for a strategic role of ETPs in the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme

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