TRAction’s Post

Running an ICAV or SICAV? Do you know your transaction reporting requirements? Check our our new article to learn about the reporting obligations for ICAVs and SICAVs under EMIR and MiFIR: An ICAV (Irish Collective Asset Management Vehicle) is a corporate structure created especially for the Irish funds industry, and is governed by a board of directors and owned by shareholders. SICAV stands for ‘Société d’investissement à capital variable’ which can be translated as an ‘investment company with variable capital’ and is a publicly-traded open-end investment fund structure offered and regulated in Europe. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, or need further guidance. #EMIR #MiFIR #TransactionReporting #RegulatoryReporting #RegTech

Reporting for ICAVs and SICAVs

Reporting for ICAVs and SICAVs

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