Did you know that we forget 50% of what we learned just one hour after learning it, and that number shoots up to 70% after a whole day? 🧠 📈
That’s why when you’re training your team, you want to do everything you can to make sure those most crucial need-to-knows stick. And one of the smartest ways to do this is with tests (AKA, knowledge checks, quizzes, whatever you want to call them!).
Trainual success coach Shawn has a bunch of testing tips for you — like how long they should be, what you should require from your team to pass, and how to auto-generate a full test in just a couple of clicks — so you can make sure your team is retaining what they learn in Trainual.
Hey there, success. Coach Shawn here. And look, it's really important to teach people how to do things, right? Yeah, of course. But how do you know that they're actually retaining that information? That's pretty important, right? I mean, why else are we teaching people to do things if we don't know they can actually do that? So let's talk about how we can use tests inside of Trainual. This is a way for you to assess whether people can do the things you've taught them how to do. So I'm here in this Office Policies subject, and the first thing I want you to understand about tests. Is that test can live anywhere in between topics. So they can live before topics, they can live after topics. They live at the same level at those topics. Now here's a pro tip. We find that most people tend to do a lot better with more frequent, shorter tests, right? So let me show you to do that. I'm going to go down here to the bottom and we're going to add a test here. We're going to call this test. We don't have to call it a test. Maybe we call it a quiz, call a quiz. There we go. And I'm going to call this a quiz and I'm going to give the title. The same title as this topic right here. Dress Code Standards. Here we go right, Dress Code Standards. Now why would I even do that? Well, like I just said, most people do better with more frequent and shorter tests and quizzes. So we're going to create this test. I'm going to pop over here. Call this a test. OK. And then I'm just going to hit enter right here. That way I've got my little my new little test, and I'm going to take this guy. I'm just gonna drag it right on up right there. So now I'm going to have this topic all about dress code standards here. And then I'm going to go ahead and have the little quiz or test on the dress code standards and I may do the same thing down here under break room etiquette and policies. Maybe I have another little test or quiz right there. Same thing after here. That way I can break up the monotony even of the instruction with some cool little tests, right? Alright, let's check out this test now. I'm going to hop into it here. And first thing I want you to notice is we've got our first question here. I can actually change the question type. So this is a single select question. That's one correct answer. But I could choose from multiple select answers, right? Multiple correct answers. I can have true or false in there. I can have a written response kind of like an essay or short answer box. I can even have a video response. So that's where my users are going to use the Loom feature and record a video response for us, right? So multiple types of question types you can have in there and then down below you can, this is, we're going to pop in the question. This is where also you could actually insert different types of multimedia. So can you put videos in here? Can you put photos in here? Absolutely. Make your test questions every bit as dynamic as your actual content is, right. So there you go. Now let's talk about some settings real quick. Pop over here to the options and we can decide who's going to get notified of these tests. We're going to be able to change the order of the test questions, the number of questions that are displayed. So I could actually create a question bank. So maybe I write 10 questions for this test, but I only wanted to display like 5 questions at a time. That way, if someone doesn't pass it the first time around, well, they're going to get it again the second time, they may get some different questions that second. OK, and finally right down here is the passing score. Now the default in training is 80%. I'm going to give you a tip, pop that up to 100%. Why? Cuz we are mean, right? No, just kidding. No, we want people to be challenged by this, right? And they also get unlimited attempts to achieve the passing score here. So if someone has unlimited tries of getting the passing score, then guess what? The number of times it takes them to get there can actually be really insightful for you. You're going to get those, those results notified there, right? That way you can see, well this person is really struggling. They haven't gotten this after four times. Let's go do some reteaching with them, right? There you go. There are a few of the options right there. I want to show you now we can type our questions in here. We can offer those questions all on our own if you totally want to do that. But you can also try this brand new AI feature, the auto generate test. I'm going to click on this real quick. You can see this is in beta. OK. So it's not always perfect. But here I can actually specify. You can see those those are the topics in this subject, right? Well, we're in this dress code standards. I'm gonna select that topic. I want training rule to actually build me a little test based on that dress code standards topic right there. So I'm going to go ahead and click on auto generate test. OK, now this is going to take up to 10 minutes to complete, all right, So I'm going to go back to the subject page and we'll see in just a few moments. There it is. It just gave you my test. Let's go ahead and check it out. And now I've got a whole list of test questions pop myself over here that I did not have to author myself with all the answers already selected for us. Now again, because this is in beta, make sure you check over the questions and the responses. Make sure everything is accurate. But look, you did not have to write that completely from scratch and you can go right on adding other questions if you want to. So there you go. Check out the tests, add those to your subjects, and make sure that people can actually do the things. And you've been teaching them how to do.
Shawn Jensen ⭐🧢 the question types combined with auto-generate test is absolute 🔥 - such a time-saver!