Last week, I stared at my screen after another marathon of virtual meetings, feeling oddly... empty. 💔
After Heritage Day, I have been thinking a lot about our stories
- the tapestries of our lives that make us who we are.
Remember those moments by the coffee machine, the laughter in the canteen, or even those awkward office parties? They were more than just breaks in the day - that's where our stories came to life.
But now? So many of our interactions have become sterile, bound by agendas and time limits. Even when are face-to-face, something feels... missing. Our connections have lost our stories…and with it, their soul.
This silence comes at a price:
➡️Teams are drifting apart, and feel isolated
➡️People hesitate to share, and be judged
➡️Innovation withers without open dialogue
The result?
**Collaboration is suffering, and with it, our collective potential.**
But all need not be lost 🌟
The art of storytelling isn't dead.
It just needs nurturing.
Creating space for our stories, sharing them and learning from them just takes a bit more conscious effort.
That’s where our "story circles" ⭕ come in - a simple yet powerful way to reignite the spark of connection in teams.
Small groups of 4-5 people, a thought-provoking prompt, and the courage to be open – Is all it takes.
✨The Power of "Us at Our Best"
I find that “us at our best” stories are the way to go. But your choices are infinite.
They don't follow any strict rules or frameworks. They simply flow, awaken curiosity and often lead to precious "Wow!" moments that remind us of our shared humanity and leave teams asking “How can we do this more?”.
**It is magical**.
Your experiences, triumphs and challenges are all part of your stories -They deserve to be heard.
They can connect, lift you together and elevate your team to new heights.
💭What stories should you be sharing?
If this made you think, ♻️repost for your network or follow Michelle Bisset for more on building Thriving, Change-Ready Teams and Leadership.
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#TeamBuilding #Leadership #CorporateCulture #Storytelling #EmployeeEngagement
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