Plot a course to more satisfied customers with Spotlight Report ⭐️ Review weekly or monthly email reports with customer feedback, theme highlights and emerging topics and trends. Learn more:
THIS IS MY REVIEW FOR TRUSTPILOT AND I DO EXIST, I AM REAL. I do not recommend using Turspilot, any employee who has worked in your company or any person with fake profiles, can make good and negative comments about your company, without any security control or validation of IDENTITY. You create your company with them but you can not do or manage anything, the only way you can manage is buying their business plans from $ 600 to $ 1000 this is a SCAM, because first, you must control the IDENTITY of all those who comment on this site for profit. I repeat, they do not comply with the CIA TRIAD (confidentiality, integrity and availability). And I will be your worst detractor until Truspilot, until they fix your site and no person can write reviews without being validated as an existing person. I repeat, they do not comply with the CIA TRIAD (confidentiality, integrity and availability). The online chat they have on their site is a BOT and from there they send you to a page to read, they have NO Physical Support, they do NOT answer mail. In other words, it is a company that wants you to pay for their plans, but they do not EXIST.
Head of Industrial Relations - ER|IR Specialist
5moI assume by satisfied customers you mean big businesses? You aren’t on the side of consumers. You remove reviews from people who have had genuinely poor experiences with businesses in order to boost their sales, it’s shameful. What’s the point in reviewing somewhere if you only accept the positive? It’s highly misleading and effectively you are manipulating how people view certain businesses.