When we face special needs issues, we need to react positively, being adapted to our losses, adjust our mindset to compensate our deformity, potentiate our enthusiasm to practice our normal lives, trigger our inner strength to surpass such neurogenic defect, seek professional medical advice to activate our brain center reservoir to overlap the damaged centers and minimize the disability, rehabilitate our muscle reservoir through professional physiotherapy, follow the top specialized medical centers researches about novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, we have to prioritize the neuropsychic conditions of such cases as they usually have mode disorder, depression and anxiety that must be medically treated first to proceed forward, psychotherapy to modulate our negative thoughts and many wrong delusions about the prognosis of such cases, the most important point of view is about letting such cases fully confident that every day in our lives deliver hope, many fatal diseases in our past medical history are treated now, by oral tablets at home like TB, Cholera and Typhoid, organ transplantation let us newly created, electronic chips will hopefully replace the damaged neurogenic cells, we lose our lives only when we lose our hopes, joy and pleasure, anhedonia or loss of pleasure is the real end destination of our lives!!!
Health & Safety Advisor - London & South East Region at TSK Group Ltd (Construction Sector)
3wA fantastic evening 👌🎉