Tvärminne Zoological Station’s Post

A gigantic observation platform deployed 32 meters deep on the sea floor! Equipped with state-of-the-art gadgets this huge benthic lander autonomously records physical, chemical or biological activity at the sea floor. The platform was deployed in August with the help of R/V Augusta and measurements will continue for a total of six weeks outside Tvärminne Zoological Station. The ocean plays a fundamental role in Earth's carbon cycle, helping to regulate atmospheric CO2 concentration. Photosynthesizing organisms in the surface layer of the sea take up carbon; when they finally decompose in the deep sea the carbon is returned to the water. - The aim of this project is to better understand the effect of plankton communities on coastal carbon fluxes, says project leader Kristian Spilling from Finnish Environment Institute (Syke). The steel legs of the benthic lander are equipped with batteries and a whole lot of instrumentation for measuring a variety of variables. - We are measuring gases such as methane, oxygen, CO2 but also temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, l and organic matter while GTK is measuring particles both optically and acoustically, Kristian explains. This is a joint research project with Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), and it is also a part of the Finnish marine research infrastructure FINMARI where Tvärminne, University of Helsinki is also included. The project is titled “The impacts of phytoplankton community composition and particle transport pathways on the biological carbon pump in coastal seas under the changing climate (PHYTOTRANS)”, and is funded by the Research Council of Finland. These in situ field measurements provide valuable scientific field data. The benthic lander was earlier deployed outside Utö with the help of R/V Aranda in from April to June this year. - At Utö we deployed the lander at a depth of 64 meter. This will give us a good basis to see differences between the two sites, Kristian Spilling says. The platform will be retrieved from the sea floor in Tvärminne next week with data for the scientist to analyze. The research project PHYTOTRANS is ongoing until 2027. #tvärminnezoologicalstation #marineresearch #phytotrans #syke #FINMARI #GTK

Angela Wulff

Co-founder, Research manager på Swedish Algae Factory, Professor University of Gothenburg


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