Sexual Harassment Awareness Day’s Post

"When it comes to sexually assaultive behaviour, it is important to us not only to take individual measures, but also to address the structures and the associated power relations that enable or facilitate this behaviour in the first place, in order to take holistic action against it." – Christoph Breier, Universität St.Gallen (HSG), Inclusion Specialist (D&I at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)) #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday

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