Join our online seminar on 'Technical Barriers to Trade and the WTO: The Experience of Peru' with Professor Humberto Zuñiga Schroder, Associate Dean at the School of Law of Universidad del Pacifico, Peru on 14 November 2024, 2-3pm. This event will be chaired by Dr Nicholas Gervassis Find out more:
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Vikram Kumar provided excellent insights on the role of economic analysis in assisting organizations that face allegations of anti-competitive practices.
Today at Global Legal Group's Global Class Actions Symposium in Portugal, Vikram Kumar chaired a panel titled “The Critical Role of Economic Analysis in Class Actions."
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I am pleased to share my contribution regarding the future prospects of Europe as outlined in the European Commission's White Paper published in 2017. This reflection focuses on one of the various scenarios presented by the Commission, namely scenario number 3, 'Those Who Want More Do More'. It aims to demonstrate not only how this scenario describes the path that the EU is currently taking, but also how this approach is the most effective in addressing the challenges that the European community faces today. Attached is my contribution, which will be followed by a debate within the framework of the seminar 'EU Law and Decision Making' at the Ludovika University of Public Service in Budapest. Here is the link of the White Paper of the Eu Commission referred
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Exactly today we have another centenary (this is a hidden gem): The Permanent Court of International Justice's Advisory Opinion on the Question of the Monastery of Saint-Naoum turns 100 years old (Advisory Opinion of 4 September 1924). The opinion concerned a decision by a Conference of Ambassadors regarding the borders of the Albanian territory around the Monastery of Saint-Naoum. This opinion is an early example of finality of decisions and of the limited nature of revision for error, new facts or facts unknown by the decision-maker at the time of the decision. One of the most current aspects of the opinion is a distinction between new facts and new documents, in the words of the Court: "[...] fresh documents do not in themselves amount to fresh facts". Naturally, on its centenary, we have discussed this opinion today during my presentation in the European Society of International Law Annual Conference.
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Today in Tbilisi, Georgia. As an econometrician, I am almost sure that it will be a hard task to empirically identify an effect of my individual contribution to 10 years of competition law in Georgia… However, I am looking forward to share my views from an academic point of view as well as a practicing economist. It is great to be here again for the III International Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection. Thanks for having me GCCA • Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency.
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Sri Lanka Elected to UNCITRAL: Insights from Dr Prathibha Mahanamahewa, The Rector- Sri Palee Campus🌏 The role and mandate of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. (UNCITRAL) and its significance in Global trade governance. Sri Lanka was elected as a member of the Commission in 2025 for a six-year term and Sri Lanka secured 177 votes in the election out of 193 countries. Therefore, Sri Lanka's membership in UNCITRAL strengthened its trade relationships with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. In specific Sri Lanka can leverage its position in UNCITRAL to attract more foreign investment and boost economic recovery. Dr. Prathibha Mahanamahewa, Rector of Sri Palee Campus, highlights the significance of this achievement: 🎥 Watch the video: #SriLanka #UNCITRAL #DrPrathibhaMahanamahewa #GlobalTrade #TradeGovernance #EconomicGrowth #SriPaleeCampus
Law, Land & Liberty | Episode - 104 | UNCITRAL
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📚Review #Concurrences N° 3-2024 is now available for all subscribers. 📝Contributing authors include Ulf Öberg (Court of Justice of the European Union), Olivier Guersent (European Commission), Elvira Aliende Rodriguez (A&O Shearman), Ioannis Lianos (UCL), Damien Gerard (Belgian Competition Authority), Herbert Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania), Andreas Schwab (European Parliament), Ioannis Kokkoris (Queen Mary University of London), Ania Thiemann (OECD Competition Law and Policy), Lorenzo Cattivelli (Cornerstone Research), Luca Arnaudo (Autorità Antitrust), Guillaume Fabre (International Competition Network (ICN), Bastien Thomas (University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne), Nicolas CHAVONNAND VALADES (Racine), Catherine Prieto (University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne), Anne-Sophie Choné (Université Paris Nanterre), Michel Debroux (Rizom Legal), Marie Cartapanis (Aix-Marseille University), Claire Mongouachon (Aix-Marseille University), Alain Ronzano (L'actu concurrence) and many more… 🖇Read more here: Table of contents: #competitionlaw #antitrust #antitrustlaw #droitdelaconcurrence #DireitoDaConcorrencia #DerechoDeLaCompetencia #Europeancompetitionlaw #europeanlaw
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Lanching into the week with Professor Petros Mavroidis and his seminar on 'Transnational Sports Law' ⚽️🎾 A world-renowned scholar in the fields of WTO Law and Sports Law, Professor Mavroidis will provide valuable insights into the regulation of sports by private transnational sports organisations, examining the challenges of private transnational regulation and governance in this area. #faculty #catolicalaw #law #lawschool #global #LLM
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📢 I am delighted to announce the inclusion of our article co-written with my partner Sergio Sorinas in the prestigious Concurrences Review: CEMAC merger control: Towards an empowered regime 💡CEMAC merger control regime has been increasingly evolving in the past years, both in terms of regulations and décisional practice. New rules (sometimes even departing from EU merger control approach), significant enforcement, new top priorities for the upcoming years... ➡️ We thought it is now a good time to take a closer look at those evolutions in order to raise awareness with clients and practitioners.
📚 The first fully online, monthly issue of the #Concurrences Review N° 1-2025 is now available for all subscribers. 📝 Contributing authors include Fabienne Siredey-Garnier (Autorité de la concurrence), Louis Vogel (Vogel & Vogel), Martijn Snoep (The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets), Jolling de Pree (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek), Dan Gilman (International Center for Law & Economics), Dr. Gerhard Klumpe (University of Düsseldorf), Ariel Reich (HP), Marie Hindré (ADVANT Altana), Virginie Coursière-Pluntz (PDGB), Francesco Martucci (Paris-Pantheon-Assas University) and many more… 🖇 Read more here: Table of contents: Concurrences Review provides expert analyses and diverse perspectives on competition law. Interested in learning more? Request a free trial to gain access > #competitionlaw #antitrust #antitrustlaw #droitdelaconcurrence
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Henry Forbes Smith KC participated in a panel on Decision-making and Bias on the first day of the ICCA biannual conference in Hong Kong on 6 May 2024. The Kluwer arbitration blog of the conference summarised Henry’s contribution as “advocating for rigorous reasoning as a tool to uphold impartiality, highlighting how it can reveal and counteract biases and errors, thereby ensuring transparency”. Henry contrasted a reasonable decision with an impartial decision, suggested that tribunals are not impartial because they are independent and that the right to impartiality should not depend on the independence of the tribunal, and suggested that tribunals should provide reasons explaining why their decisions are not only reasonable, but also impartial. Henry’s paper will be published as part of the ICCA Congress series. Read more on the ICCA conference follow the link here
ICCA 2024
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📚 The first fully online, monthly issue of the #Concurrences Review N° 1-2025 is now available for all subscribers. 📝 Contributing authors include Fabienne Siredey-Garnier (Autorité de la concurrence), Louis Vogel (Vogel & Vogel), Martijn Snoep (The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets), Jolling de Pree (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek), Dan Gilman (International Center for Law & Economics), Dr. Gerhard Klumpe (University of Düsseldorf), Ariel Reich (HP), Marie Hindré (ADVANT Altana), Virginie Coursière-Pluntz (PDGB), Francesco Martucci (Paris-Pantheon-Assas University) and many more… 🖇 Read more here: Table of contents: Concurrences Review provides expert analyses and diverse perspectives on competition law. Interested in learning more? Request a free trial to gain access > #competitionlaw #antitrust #antitrustlaw #droitdelaconcurrence
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