Holistic Health and Fitness, #H2F, is revolutionizing how the US Army prepares Soldiers for combat. Through this non-commissioned officer-led, subject-matter-expert-advised System, Soldiers are returning from injury faster and performing better on rifle marksmanship. The 18th Field Artillery Brigade Steel Fitness Trainer program allows the Human Performance Team embedded within their brigade to work in partnership with Soldiers to refine physical training program development and injury prevention. U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) US Army TRADOC David Francis Michael McMurdy Kevin Bigelman
Nicholas Lee BS, CSCS , RSCC , USAW-L1 still getting after it and supporting our Soldiers. Love it.
Jason and team are top notch. Love the highlight for what they are doing and how they are doing it. Force multipling at its finest led by a incredible staff that cares and accepts the mission!!! Great job team and great job CIMT highlighting the orgs!
This is great!
Love it
Tactical Human Performance Integrator
3moGreat stuff Haley and Nick! Love it.