Our lived realities in dealing with the impacts of climate change is what makes our #Oceania #Pasifika advocacy strong, loud and passionate. For our Pacific leaders and experts negotiating 1.5 reductions or other numbers associated with pushing our climate case forward, that is coming from a place of desperation, our very survival hangs in the balance. The survival of our generations and future generations, our vanua, qoliqoli and everything that defines us and we hold dear as Pacific Islanders.
While others may negotiate from a place of luxury, economic interest or political survival, ours is existential and this is why a strong #humanrights focus is crucial for COP and other climate change conversations. The most basic rights and fundamental freedoms that the international community saw fit to enshrine in the #UniversalDeclarationOfHumanRights are under threat daily from sea level rise, ozone depletion, rising temperature, severe storms and other host of climatic conditions.
Various Pacific nations are feeling the brunt of the rising Pacific ocean and the king tides that have swept through villages, tradional mount and burial grounds, but our people are also fighting back. Fighting at the #COP platforms, at the world court (ICJ), the UN and other multilateral and bilateral platforms where we are raising our voices. Yes, we are screaming the loudest, negotiating harder, throwing all our creativity and energy to the fore because for us, this is not just about negotiating for our today but saving our tomorrow.
As COP 29 is underway, we bring the future of our Blue Pacific and lay it bare for the world to see and act with #compassion and #humanity to save our #people, our #homes and our #lands. At the heart of our #ClimateChange discourses and negotiations is our very humanity. We are not the silent few, we are the voice of the world largest oceanic continent...we are many, but we are one. One Pasifika, One people. #Moana, The #BlueContinent.
Congratulations to Human Rights Fiji and Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions for taking our collective voices forward and reminding us that at the heart of climate conversations, our #HumanRights matters.
Pacific Islands Forum Pacific Community-SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Across the globe, #NHRIs are working with communities and others to address the #HumanRights impacts of #ClimateChange. This powerful example from Human Rights Fiji and the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions shows what can be achieved.
As world leaders gather for #COP29, GANHRI (Global Alliance Of National Human Rights Institutions) will convene an NHRI Symposium on 13 November to share insights, deepen partnerships, and promote human rights in international climate negotiations.
NHRI COP29 Symposium: https://bit.ly/40EBb2K
More from the APF: https://bit.ly/3YVyDvJ