Stockholm is a city set up for meetings. We’ve got the infrastructure, the high-speed internet and an atmosphere of innovation. ⚡️Last week we attended IMEX in Frankfurt, where the global meetings, events and incentive travel industry comes together annually for the largest trade show of its kind in Europé. Thank you for all the great talks and meet-ups there!
4 reasons why you should choose Stockholm for your next meeting 👇
✔️ A place for every taste: In Stockholm you’ll find everything from classic conference hotels to quirky venues for outside-the-box thinkers. With a wide range of activities suitable for groups both indoors and outdoors, the region is an all-year-round destination.
✔️ A city of science and innovation: Stockholm is home to a vibrant life sciences industry, fast-growing CleanTech scene and globally-renowned tech and creative ecosystem. Congregate in one of the world’s most digital, knowledge-intensive regions and inspire brilliance.
✔️ A smart well-connected capital: Discover everything you need to get the job done. With a wide selection of conference venues and some 37,000 hotel rooms equipped with high-speed WiFi, Stockholm is built for meetings of up to 30,000 delegates at a time.
✔️ Efficiency meets excellence: Things here run like clockwork, thanks to our practicality, efficiency and a Scandinavian attention to detail. A non-hierarchical culture and speedy decision-making makes meeting and congress planning a breeze.
#IMEX24 #IMEX #Stockholm
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