Thank you for your hospitality and we are optimistic that we and our friends from Körber Technologies will soon be able to set up the industrial size prototype at Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie IME
Yesterday, Jan Bredack from Veganz Group AG visited our premises in Aachen and gave Simon Vogel (pictured), our vertical farming expert and inventor of the #OrbiPlant technology, a first "virtual tour" of the new #OrbiFarm system, which is based on the aforementioned vertical farming technologies developed here at Fraunhofer IME. The Veganz Group obtained the exclusive license for the patents of our OrbiPlant and OrbiLoop technologies in June 2023 and, consecutively, started the joint venture OrbiFarm® LLC Dubai with US-based company VeGreat LLC. This joint venture aims to establish a technology platform that will allow for the construction and operation of indoor farming systems for a large-scale cultivation of protein plants (e.g. peas). More information on our vertical farming technologies: More information on OrbiFarm: