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B2B tech marketing has a weirdness problem. It’s not what you think: we’re not doing enough weird. (It’s certainly not because B2B marketers aren’t weird enough. You are. We’ve been to enough conferences and stayed for the after-hours stuff). Actually, what we have is a confidence problem: marketers are so caught up in trying to prove our cred to our smart, notoriously marketing-averse customers… That we drown them in hard facts. We forget that there are actual humans reading our stuff. Weird ones, who usually get pretty worked up trying to solve very deep, gritty problems. The ones we’re trying to help them solve. They want our help. They need us to establish credibility so they can believe us. What they don’t want is to be bored. They’re not corporate drones. They’ve never, not once, stood around a pool table talking about ‘leveraging data to achieve business outcomes.’ Because that’s boring. And these are not boring people. (Have you ever met a deeply intelligent person who was really normal? I haven’t. I don’t want to). Marketing that treats the odder fringes of its audience with respect and playfulness can achieve a level of relevance that no amount of product-market fit can match. Don’t believe us? We recently came across the most insane, deeply weird corner of the internet when getting very deep in DNS research and found a bunch of network engineers enthusiastically recommending the same video: A Cat Explains DNS. It’s weirder than it sounds. It’s gloriously weird. I’ll throw a link in the comments so you can check it out. It’s riveting. Remember whom you’re marketing to: people who developed deep domain expertise because they care deeply about something few others do. These were the weird kids in your class who built a working submarine out of Legos in the fourth grade. It’s a mistake to think technical audiences are allergic to emotion-led messaging — passion for their work makes them who they are. Go forth. Embrace the weird. Earn the eyeballs. Oh, and follow our page. We’re about to get weird. 

B2B Marketing Agency – Velocity Partners

B2B Marketing Agency – Velocity Partners

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