Approx. 67% of market is #hiring (recent LinkedIn poll) and the rest, not so much. #jobseeker stats are averaging a 3-5 month job search-to-hire success. It's tough. Here's what you can do (beside remain vigilant and confident as best you can), HELP SOMEONE ELSE OUT. 🤗
If they land an opportunity, you'll feel good for their win, and it may lead to doors opening for you or future networking, or at least you'll have extended #kindness.
Recently, I was the recipient of the "pay-it-forward" Starbucks experience and in turn I paid it forward. The barista thanked me and said, "this is one of the longest we've had, we're at two hours of people buying each other's coffee". Could you imagine if we did something like this for one another in the job market?
As a pay-it-forward to the #greenbanner folks out there, feel free to scroll to top of my profile, swipe left in featured posts for a free job seeker guide. It has had 100% positive reviews 🌟 and almost all commented that they took at least one or two gems from it to help them, motivate, or #keepgoing. Maybe even repost this or share the guide to a friend.
You got this!
Happy at your current job? Lean in, appreciate it, show gratitude, and still help someone else out too. ❤️