Victor Xavier Enríquez Champutiz’s Post

View profile for Victor Xavier Enríquez Champutiz

Maestro en Ingeniería con especialidad en Sistemas de Calidad y Productividad (ITESM)

Towards the development of Surveillance and Reconnais-sance Capacity in Ecuador: Geolocation system for ground targets based on an electro-optical sensor (Año 2019). This paper presents the progress of a research work that seeks to de-termine the geographic coordinates of an object on land of interest by applying the Denavit-Hartemberg methodology to the surveillance and recognition sys-tem developed in the CIDFAE SEO-D1, this together with mathematical carto-graphy will provide information in support of military operations. The results shown in the simulation present a good approximation of the geographic coor-dinates of interest. In the light of the above, it is suggested that this kind of study provides a low-cost surveillance and reconnaissance alternative to exist-ing advanced systems such as satellites for countries that do not have this type of technology, as is the case of Ecuador.

Towards the development of Surveillance and Reconnais-sance Capacity in Ecuador: Geolocation system for ground targets based on an electro-optical sensor (Año 2019).

Towards the development of Surveillance and Reconnais-sance Capacity in Ecuador: Geolocation system for ground targets based on an electro-optical sensor (Año 2019).

Patricio Salazar

Jefe investigación aereospacial y ciberseguridad


Un tipo de misiones muy importantes por su enfoque dual y sobre todo la evaluación de recursos en monitoreo ambiental y el apoyo al desarrollo en especial de áreas de difícil acceso


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