Ardent is growing at a rapid rate. That's both exciting and daunting. How do you keep the family feel whilst stretching into growth? Well, sometimes you go back to basics. In Ardent's London office today we started the day with a speed date! Questions like, what was your first job, have you met anyone famous, what would be your last meal and most importantly what the best doughnut is (jam obvs)! We are not a business without our people and this morning showed me (judging by the noise level!) we have the best. Well I say that, there was a dubious amount of custard lovers which is something we'll have to work through.. Anyone else got some good ideas? #ardentmanagement #beyondtheprocess #teamwork
Love the speed dating idea. Just not sure I am with you on the jam thing. It’s all in the quality of the dough for me. Maybe a bit of cardamom, maybe some cinnamon sugar. Freshly fried, scenting the air.
Love a custard doughnut to be fair
Custard 💪
Great to see the investment in time and in a simple way to keep work real for people - all about the relationships.
You know it’s ring donuts! (If you’re likely to smear jam all over everything like me…)
Love it 😊
Love this!
Great idea!
Interface HSW Manager, HS2, Euston Station
4moThis sounds like a great idea. And custard, all day long 😎