A Backlink Pyramid is a way of organizing your backlinks in a way that helps to improve your website’s SEO ranking. The pyramid structure is made up of three levels: Tier 1 backlinks: These are the most authoritative and high-quality backlinks. They come from websites that are well-known and respected in your industry. Tier 2 backlinks: These backlinks are still high-quality, but they may not be as authoritative as the tier 1 links. They come from websites that are smaller or less well-known, but they still have a good reputation. Tier 3 backlinks: These backlinks are lower-quality, but they can still be helpful. They come from websites that are not as well-known or respected, but they can still help to improve your SEO ranking. The backlink pyramid works by creating a network of backlinks that flows from high-quality websites to your website. This network of backlinks helps to improve your website’s authority and visibility in search engines. #seotips #seostrategist #backlinkstrategy