You can open my profile and scroll through 100+ posts I’ve written on the craft and business of screenwriting. I assure you, by the end of it, you’ll find valuable insights to guide and sustain your journey as a screenwriter. My posts are like personal notes. I used to jot down many reflections from my screenwriting practice, but I rarely revisited them out of sheer laziness. Now, sharing these notes on LinkedIn gives me a new incentive to revisit and expand on them, thanks to the engagement from all of you. I encourage healthy discussions in the comments, steering them toward insightful takeaways. With your feedback, my notes evolve, my insights get validated or corrected, and for that, I am deeply grateful. Here’s a small way for me to give back: I’m open to reviewing your loglines and providing feedback. Comment “LOGLINE” below, and I’ll reach out to you via DM. Before you send your logline, please make sure it includes these elements: the main plot, the protagonist, their goal, the central conflict or stakes, and a unique selling point—in a sentence or two (100 words max). Note: This is not a pitch. It’s purely a feedback session to help you gain clarity on your story by refining your logline. I won’t be reviewing any synopses or scripts. See you in the DMs!
LOGLINE ,happy to get insight and guidance 😊
10X Screenwriter ~I am here to rewrite everything~
4moThank you for writing in everyone. I’ll reach out to everyone in the DMs soon