Vladimir Savchuk’s Post

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Author. Pastor. Preacher.

Tips for Understanding the Bible 1. The Bible is About God Not Just Us The Idea of reading the Bible is not just so you can read it, but so you can fall in love with the Author. 2. Read the Bible Regularly Reading a Bible verse every once in a while is fine if you also take the time to read the Bible more in depth other times.Charles Spurgeon once said, "The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions.” 3. Understand what you read Sometimes, the solution to this can be as simple as changing the translation of the Bible you choose to use. The best Bible translation to choose is the one you'll read. 4. Read With the Holy Spirit Before you begin reading, invite the Holy Spirit to open your understanding of the Word and to bring greater clarity of what He meant. 5. Use the Right Bible Techniques What you are reading is always determined by the Author and it has to be discovered by you. Tools like study Bibles and commentaries can help, but our main desire is that the Scripture interprets Scripture (Acts 17:11). 6. Get Rid of Spiritual Blockages If you feel spiritual resistance, I would encourage you to talk to a pastor or mentor who knows how to do deliverance and begin to resist spiritual attacks.

Vladimir Savchuk

Author. Pastor. Preacher.


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