The news that's been circulating for a while is finally official (I'm a few days late, I know, but I've been trying to be a little offline for the holidays).
Personally, I'm hopeful about this. I think the department store business in the US needs a shake up, and rather than consolidating (ahem, NM/Saks), I am excited to see what Nordstrom is able to do without the prying eyes of investors and the profit driven expectations of shareholders.
Listen, I know that with or without shareholders businesses need to be profitable, but I hope they take this opportunity to become something else as well. When I began in this industry a while back, department stores were the holy grail for brands. They wanted, needed, to be in there. If they could get on the Nordstrom floor, their business had legs and it gave them hope for the future. Now, I advise a lot of my clients to actually avoid department stores. I've seen them be a brand killer, especially for brands with little to no resources, and I think a safer bet these days is DTC and independent retailers - brands can actually get further now without department stores.
I hope that changes moving forward, with Nordstrom at least. They have a huge opportunity to become THE main retailer that focuses on discovery and supporting young and independent designers, while also leaning into their heavy hitters and private label to drive margins and support the business. I hope they do away with their marketplace and instead focus on real curation and creative merchandising and buying - fewer brands overall, but brands they believe in, that their customers will find interesting, that they can throw some support around and grow. Data, of course, is both great and necessary, but there is so much sameness that is derived from simply looking at sales numbers, and I firmly believe that by letting some of that reliance on just the numbers go, so much more excitement, customer loyalty, and FUN can be brought back into the shopping experience at their stores.
But, let's see, shall we?
#luxuryretail #departmentstores #retail #nordstrom
CEO / Founder at Kahlmi / Baby Wellness Expert / Author / Advisor
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