As grass pollen season gains momentum, typically lasting from May through June, it's important to take proactive measures to minimize allergic reactions. Schedule an appointment with an allergist for a proper allergy diagnosis and tailored treatment options. Learn more about grass pollen allergies:
Impact Medical (formerly Weiss Medical)’s Post
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An allergy skin prick test is a common diagnostic procedure used to determine allergic reactions to specific substances or allergens. Here’s a step-by-step overview of what typically happens during an allergy skin test. Learn more:
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When it comes to relieving allergies in dogs, you may think blood plasma is an odd solution, but this natural ingredient has been showing incredible results in animals for over 40 years. 🔬 Several studies have also highlighted plasma’s unique ability to counteract allergic reactions by reducing inflammation - often found at the root your dog’s itchy, scratchy allergy symptoms. Check out the 5 reasons why plasma may hold the key 👉
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BLOG ENTRY 7: A Breath of Fresh Air: Why Napa Pad is the Ideal Choice for Carpet Installation in Homes of Allergy Sufferers For allergy sufferers, selecting the right carpet padding is just as important as choosing the right carpet. Certain types of padding can contribute to allergens and irritants in the home, exacerbating symptoms for those with allergies or asthma. In this blog post, we'll discuss why Napa Pad is an excellent choice for carpet installation in homes of allergy sufferers, offering a healthier and more comfortable living environment.
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This blog will explore the science behind sneezing and watery eyes and provide tips and strategies for managing allergies effectively. Keep reading to stay ahead of the spring allergy game!
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Did you know that most people who think they're allergic to penicillin actually aren't? Get tested today to find out for sure! Accurate testing can open up better, safer treatment options when you need antibiotics. Testing is quick, safe, and can help you stay healthy. Don’t let a potential misdiagnosis limit your care—schedule for your penicillin allergy test consultation!
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Extra Strength Pataday works faster and outperforms Claritin and Flonase for eye allergy itch relief, even at 24 hours(1)*. You can make a difference for patients who suffer from itchy eye allergies when you recommend the fast relief found in Pataday. Learn more: *Based on conjunctival allergen challenge vs. Claritin Tablets and Flonase Allergy Relief at 15 minutes and 24 hours post-treatment. Reference: 1: Alcon data on file, 2022. #BringitOn #eyeallergies #allergyseason #Pataday
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There’s no such thing as a winter break from allergies. As people spend more time indoors, dust mites, pet dander, and mold can trigger persistent sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes. Maintaining low indoor humidity, washing bedding weekly in hot water, and installing a HEPA-filtered air purifier can help stave off winter allergies. However, the best course of action is to get long-lasting relief through allergy testing and immunotherapy. At United Allergy Services, we specialize in integrating fully staffed and equipped allergy centers into existing practices. Learn the advantages of partnering with UAS at:
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🔍 Uncover the Hidden Culprits: House Dust Mites! These microscopic creatures are unseen but ever-present in homes, especially in bedding and carpets. Their droppings contain proteins that can trigger allergies in our furry friends. That's when our Pet Allergy Xplorer (PAX) comes in, your ultimate defense against these hidden allergens! With advanced testing of over 300 allergen components, we provide precise insights into what's causing the trouble. Whether it's Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus or another mite, PAX delivers accurate results to guide effective allergy management. Trust in clarity and take charge of your pet's health today.
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This blog will explore the science behind sneezing and watery eyes and provide tips and strategies for managing allergies effectively. Keep reading to stay ahead of the spring allergy game!
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Don't we all love the beautiful blooming flowers, bushes and trees? Of course we do but along with all the beauty comes pollen! Allergies are no joke. Here are five things you can do to avoid some of the spring allergy season. 1. Limit your time outdoors. 2. Take allergy medicine. 3. Protect yourself early on. 4. Get natural relief. 5. Tweak your home by keeping your home's windows shut. If you have severe allergies, be sure to consult with your physician.
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