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P4: PCT-100 FLOW CONTROL In this experiment, we can conclude that A large PG Value will make system reach set point but when the value is too large, oscillation will occur. A small integral value will reduce the system's rise time so that it reaches setpoint quickly but when the value is too small it will cause the system to overshoot and oscillate. Using derivative component will reduce overshoot the system but if the value is too large it will caure oscillations. Ziegler / Nichols Tuning is a simple method of finding PID parameters. #PraktikumDSKGenap2023 #CSEbersatuElektroITSmaju ITS Control System Eryan Bima
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Temperature measurement is a critical component in various industrial processes and laboratory applications. The selection of the appropriate temperature sensor plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable data. Among the diverse options available, the PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) and Thermocouples stand out as popular choices, each with its unique characteristics and applications.
PT100 Resistance Temperature Detectors Vs Thermocouples?
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Temperature measurement is a critical component in various industrial processes and laboratory applications. The selection of the appropriate temperature sensor plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable data. Among the diverse options available, the PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) and Thermocouples stand out as popular choices, each with its unique characteristics and applications.
PT100 Resistance Temperature Detectors Vs Thermocouples?
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🏭 High-temperature chemical thermal diffusion is used to dope the PN junction. Precise control of the doping process is critical to improving the performance of solar cells. The doping process can be monitored by measuring the square resistance information. Use the Millennial In-line Four Point Probe Tester for high-precision, fast, automatic scanning to monitor the stability of your production line process in real time. 👉 Get an introduction to Millennial FPP230 Auto and read the case study here:
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Do you know what functions the SEKO TPR series has? Seko Tekna TPR Series is a digital dosing pump with pH/Redox control meter built in, Its own other features are: • constant or proportional dosing according to the measured pH or Redox value • PT100 probe input for thermal compensation • Repetition alarm relay • Input On-Off for remote control • 4÷20 mA output for measure transmission
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Carrying out a simple bump test of your gas detector is essential to ensure that it is working correctly and will protect you. With our Polytector III G999 portable gas detector, you will get a simple reminder to carry out this test when you switch your monitor on and it will even let you know if your monitor needs recalibration. Find out more here: #gasdetector #gasdetection
Polytector III G999 - Status Messages during Start-up
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Intermittent Impulse Compression (IIC) is a special kind of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC). Did you know the difference?
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Static electricity can arise on some kind of samples, leading to wrong weighing results. See in this video how to remove the static charges quickly and accurately thanks to the bench ioniser ION-A15:
Ionizer ION-A15 - Static charges remover
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The junction temperature measurement via the internal gate resistance is a promising method, which requires no modification of the package and enables a fast integration in existing converter configurations with the presented TJ-RGi-monitor.
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Interface’s Load Cell WSSCLC Mount Weighing Assembly includes features like an anti-lift-off mechanism, compensation for thermal expansion, and off-axis loading. Available in three sizes, this weighing assembly is a great addition to your testing lab. #InterfaceProducts #MountAssembly #LoadCells #ForceMeasurement #Weighing
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