Today, on National Ag Day, we honor the commitment of farmers worldwide. USAID stands behind smallholder farms globally, exemplified by the Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT) project in Senegal and Ghana. Implemented by Winrock as an associate award under the West Africa Farmer-to-Farmer program, the EFAT project has set out to change that dynamic, working with local agricultural service providers to ensure smallholder farmers have access to the technologies, information, training and services they need to become climate-smart producers in a rapidly changing world. The project held the first in a series of webinars to share approaches and strategies to expand the reach of agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS), with a larger goal of supporting USAID missions globally to strengthen EAS programming with emphasis on developing climate-responsive, inclusive practices and approaches. #AgDay24 #NationalAgDay #Agriculture #Development #SustainableAg #AgricultureandFarming #AgriBusiness #AgricultureInnovation