There’s an exciting trend developing; people who don’t come from a “fire background” are being drawn to the fire space, bringing new perspectives, talents and experience to bear on the wildfire crisis. Seth Schalet is a great example. Drawing on decades of business and philanthropy leadership experience, Seth turned the Santa Clara County FireSafe Council into the only such organization to pay its own way, with profitable operations and a full time staff. As he’s done many times with previous ventures, he’s used his keen business skillls and powerful collaborative abilities to turn SCCFC into a brilliantly effective and self sustaining model for other non-profits. Very few people understand the concept of “no margin, no mission” as well as does this dynamic CEO. And as I mention in the show, Seth Schalet is one of the best examples of what it means to be a mensch. (Look it up if you don’t know the term.) Learn a few of his secrets to success here in his fascinating interview. Spoiler, it begins with character, integrity, humility, curiosity, and drive.
Seth Schalet, CEO of Santa Clara County FireSafe Council
Good podcast Seth Schalet
Seth Schalet well done!
Claire Berney
7moSeth is an awesome person!