As regulatory expectations surge and data management technologies evolve, the financial industry is witnessing a seismic shift towards robust, data-driven reporting frameworks. Across regions and jurisdictions, diverse approaches and timelines have emerged to meet the escalating demand for granular data reporting, signalling a profound transformation in regulatory practices. Keen to understand the details of this transformative shift? Dive into our insightful commentary by OneSumX regulatory experts Mithy Vaishali and Swati K.. In this piece, we navigate the complex regulatory reporting landscape, shedding light on how granular data reporting can empower financial institutions to not only navigate but thrive in today's dynamic regulatory landscape. Read the commentary here: #GranularDataReporting #GDR #RDT #HKMAGDR #BECRIS #AnaCredit #RegulatoryReporting #RegulatoryCompliance #WoltersKluwer #OneSumX