Dancing Queens! From a fun team building evening at ABBA Voyage to an epic Young Women in Pharma first event, it’s all been happening this week. There’s high energy in the Women in Pharma camp! More than half the tickets for INSPIRE!4U on 16 January 2025 have now GONE in the first week of availability, so be sure to get in quick, especially if you are from the industry side of life. We’re shaking up our format and we would love to have you there if you want more impact at work. https://bit.ly/4eIHndu
Ohh, that's enough of that. We didn't have energy. It's Friday afternoon. We need the energy. Or do we? I do we Because Sarah, you've just been bouncing around like Tigger all week, haven't you know, I've, I've, I've, I've exceeded you in the energy stakes this week, which is how is that possible? I know it's never never before has this. They don't think I'm feeling quite proud of myself. What what's been going on in your crazy energizing week? Well, we had our we had our good team building outing last Friday. We went to see Apple voyage, didn't we with lovely. We were Newton. It was my third visit. It was her first. We were down in the front row dancing. Honestly, if you haven't seen ABBA voyage people, it's incredible. Obviously, I mean there's still alive, but they're they're not actually performing, but it's an amazing concept like you. Literally feel like they're there, but on top of their sort of presence on the stage or apparent presence that affects and everything are just so. But it's better than a real life show. I mean, I honestly, I think in the future everything will be that, won't it? Yeah. And it's. And. And The thing is there are real life people there too. And there's a band and. You're just trying to figure out what is real, what's not real. But anyway, it was just a really nice fun evening with a good old, a good old dance, wasn't it? Yeah, lots of good energy there. So, yeah, we decided we needed to inject some more fun into our lives. Did we? Cause it can be a bit, especially at this time of year where it gets a bit dark and a bit rainy and cloudy everyday. And. And I was recognising because of where, you know, my journey over the last few months, I wasn't sort of laughing that much. I wasn't having. Wasn't having as much fun and I could really notice the effect on my well-being. So I said to Sarah, Sarah, I need more fun. Like we let's plan some things in and because she's so efficient that organising things boom ABBA voyage was in the diary also grateful for and you know, I think more people would have quite liked to come to us come with us. So so Tuesday went night. I went to another sort of women who work in agencies group and quite a few people there said to me they knew we were going because they listened to this one. And they sort of kind of were like, ohh, you know, it almost like they kind of wanted to come but hadn't quite wanted to come. So I think we should definitely do some more events like that to get everybody to come and have a good dance at some point because I think people sort of wanted to. When you, you know, get on with your life and you, you know, you get past your 30s, going out for a dance doesn't become your top priority anymore. So. But it should be. It does for me. But yeah, for most people. That's already got kids and everything. Yeah. It's much harder. So. So. Yeah. So you had your strength saying we've been to upper voice, You've been out on an agency thing. Yeah. And and then you've got your crazy cycle thing that you do. Yeah. So I've done that this morning. Probably I had too many. I probably should have not given myself any more energy today because I think sometimes when you have almost too much energy, you need to have the right energy for the right tasks. And if you're feeling a bit too energised, then sometimes it's it hard, quite hard. Sit down and do the detailed thinking and you know, you just don't feel in the mood for that. You have to get your energy right for the things that need to be done. But the good news is that you've had the good energy for getting done. So I haven't had to worry about that too. And that's always the nice thing about partnerships is that often, you know, one of you will be a bit more up and then the other one's a bit more calm or grounding. Or if one of these a bit down, the other one can bring the other one up and energize them. So I mean, I think that's. That's really important in all aspects of life. And I have to say, as I sort of reflect on looking at my life, I feel so grateful that I've got such amazing partnerships in all different areas of my life. You know, whether it's my sort of love and soul mate kind of partnership and our partnership and their different work partnerships that I've got and you know, so on. And you just think, gosh, that is that is the magic, isn't it? But but yeah, I've been a lot more grounded. It's funny because I think last week I all of after. If you, you know, a few months of like trying to figure out what am I doing? And then finally I started to manifest good things. And then every, everything comes in together like the buses, they all come at the same time. And like, and then I was like, Oh my God, how am I going to do all these things? And I have to say, it's been amazing because I was expecting to be a bit overwhelmed this week as I'm trying to adapt to this new lifestyle of all these different projects for different people. And yet I felt like super calm, like some sort of power. Like, I don't know, this amazing calm, powerful energy, and I've just been able to close all the calm out of me. Ohh yeah, I guess. So, like, yeah, there we go. And I've been sort of thinking, like, how is this possible? Because I was expecting to be a bit frantic, but actually I haven't been. And I've been really able to focus and be in everything and do stuff and just get it done and on. I've realized that what it is is meditation. I started this little habit earlier this year. I decided I couldn't figure out how to do meditation. With all this time and finally I've sort of figured out my routine for it and I think it's fantastic. It just sort of, I don't know, it enables you to sort of just be really energised but also calm at the same time. And I've just, I've been able to flip from one thing to the next. I haven't been like thinking ohh, but but this, but that and jumping around, I've just been able to go Jim and it's been lovely. So yeah, really great week for me in a slightly different energy way. Ohh, well it certainly you know, it's that butterfly effect as you've got that cause that's my normal state. And as I've got more like you are normally or often. You've got, you've got the call. So it's like, isn't that thing the butterfly effect is, is certainly happening here. So exactly. So another thing that I went to this week, which was just, ohh, just made my, it made me so proud was the young women in Farmer event. So the young women in Farmer have a lovely, lovely team of people who put together an event and I think they had about about 45 younger women there, some of them. You know, in their first jobs, maybe a one or two years in some of them. Seeking jobs in the industry, some of them a little more, a little bit further on, so you know, some of them sort of still at university. They had a lovely had a great panel of speakers who. I think they were so wise. They had such incredible wisdom. I mean, it really was fantastic. I, I, I just couldn't have been more thrilled that this sort of little satellite. Part of women in pharma has spun off and that these young women have just taken it, run with it, done it, made it their own. It was just fantastic. And I had the opportunity to talk to lots of them afterwards. They were really, you know, really enthused and they've got a lot from the event and met people. And I think that was my key take out from the, the wisdom of the panel was. If you want to. You know, know something about your career, how to progress, maybe how to switch, how to grow, whatever it is, there's always somebody you can ask and people like to be asked, you know, reach out to them, but just keep connecting and talking to people. So yeah, it was just, it was just lovely. Ohh, that's fantastic. Yeah, I know someone who was there to come over from Belgium and I'd organised a work experience opportunity for her in the UK and London. Since then she came to the young Women of Caravan. Like, you know, nothing feels you moves more joy than being able to help somebody else somehow get a leg up or get connected and create some opportunities for their own careers. So yeah, that's fantastic. It really was. And there was a very joyful, very joyful moment for me where a young woman who started coming to our events before she went to university is now, you know, wanted to kind of you would like you suggested to her. She investigated market access as a career. She's now applying for jobs. Market access and it's amazing. Ohh. Gosh, that's so good. Yeah. Shows like 8, isn't it? Now it will be like the grandmas. I was watching Inside Out to the other day and there's this little old woman who comes out, she's called Nostalgia, one of the emotions. Have you seen any of the Inside Out? We saw the first one. I haven't seen the second one. Yeah. It's so you know, they've got this sort of panel of emotions and they got this little old lady called Nostalgia with these pink shades or glasses and I was like there, I've got those glasses. So I feel like. I'm like the little old missus nostalgia anyway, so on the other note, we've got some Inspire 4 coming up for you, not just 4. So we're really excited because we've got we're shaking up a bit this year, aren't we? All this time. So instead of having 3 speakers, we've just got one keynote speaker. And then we've got our A session that we're gonna run, but on, on how to elevate your impact exactly so. Our keynote speaker is a amazing woman called Sabina Hutchinson. I'm gonna say her name, probably Girl Sabina. So anyway, she's a she lives in Germany. She's originally from the US and she is the former president of the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association. She's also a scientist turned entrepreneur. So she's been running her own business serving the Pharmaceutical industry for about 12 years or so. And, and so she's and she's also. Just written a book and she's trying to help other women by sort of creating a real positive ripple effect to, to help more women sort of elevate with, with their own journeys, which is really exciting. So she's gonna be sharing her story. And then we've got the Ted Talk trainer. Yeah. So we've got Emma Wagner. So Emma runs a training business and she trains people who have important talks to make. So it could be Ted Talks. That's one of her areas. Of expertise and sometimes it's expert witnesses sometimes it's people who have to do really you know massive keynote speeches you know the sorts of things that most of us will never do but what maybe we will who knows bikini medicine it's going to happen it's going to happen will happen at some point so she so she trains people to do really impactful important talks and. Speeches and so and and when we've been talking to her, she, you know, she just drew to our attention things that we were like, Oh my God, we do that, we do that, we do that, we do that and and she's just got some really great techniques that she's going to share with you with us just to help us all increase our impact and speak with real authenticity and be super interesting when we're when we're. In front of people. And that doesn't necessarily have to be from a stage. It could be in meetings. Sometimes we hear quite a lot. In fact, this was a question at the Young Women in Farmer event. You know, how do you find your voice? How do you speak up in meetings when you're not sure or so I think it's gonna be really helpful for people at every all stages of their career to, to learn a little bit more on some tips and tricks for speaking with people. And the tickets are going so fast. He likes cakes. We might sell our tickets before we've even done all our promotion. At this rate, we might have written too many, many marketing posts. Ohh, no, we get them out there. We gotta get them out there. So, yeah, but we need more industry people, don't we? So we tend to find that the tickets fly out to agencies and and yeah. And what we're trying to do is sort of keep it quite balanced between industry and agency. So if you're an agency like I often, I don't know the industry people, either they're not so networked into this or they're just so busy, whatever their project. So why don't you invite one of your clients, You know, you, you are connected to the industry. So bring a couple of them with and that will be a great bonding opportunity for you. I'm sure that we're super grateful. You could maybe even buy them a ticket. I mean, anyway, lots of possibilities. So we'd love it to get that good balance for for that event. Yeah. And we're really trying to make sure that there is a really nice balance of agency and industry there. So when you come to buy your tickets, you'll see there's a button to click on so you can choose which, which type of ticket you you're buying. So we can get the a nice balanced amount of numbers. Amazing. So, so yeah. So that's pretty much it for this week, isn't it? I think we've got some loads of beyond bikini medicine stuff bubbling in the background, but we're not gonna talk about that this week. So just I would say big shout out to to Grace, to Hannah, the whole kind of women in farmer, Young Women in Farmer team for their brilliant inaugural event this week. And we're really, really proud of you. I'm sure it will be the first of many. And we'll have a license area in Inspire for you, for the young women in Farnborough. As well to come and meet and reconnect again. So yeah, really exciting and have a great week everybody. Yeah, have a great weekend. Take care.To view or add a comment, sign in