❓Do the risk factors among men who sexually offend differ with age? This study looks at RSVP results for men between 50 and 78 and those aged 18 to 46.
👴🧓🏾🧖♂️With our aging population, it’s important to know which risk assessment tools to rely on when making recommendations about older men who sexually offended.
🎺 New open access publication now available in Journal of Sexual Aggression
💡 According to the authors:
"This research adds to the literature regarding older men who offend sexually. It is anticipated that further research into factors that are associated with this age group, may encourage future research of gerontological literature in a forensic arena. Until more reliable evidence is available, the current risk assessment tools may require a level of caution when used with older men."
✅ You can access the article here:
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