Woola reposted this
What if jewellery boxes were lined with wool instead of synthetic materials? 🤔 We’ve been playing around with this idea and developed some prototypes that could work for earrings, necklaces or rings. Know of any jewellery brands that would be a good fit? Tag them in the comments. P.S. Thanks for everyone who shared insights on watch brands a couple of weeks ago, we are on it!
Jane A. and Seco. https://seco.ee/
YES, Jevgeni! I see you’ve already thought about Tanel Veenre - definitely a great choice! I’d also suggest checking out these other awesome designers here: https://www.estoniandesignhouse.ee/cat/aksessuaarid/ehted/
I wouldn't mind getting one of these for Christmas!
Sophie Cooper do you know anybody? ☝️
I love this new era of plastic free boxes! I find it to be super unique, both in use of materials and story telling. I'm thinking of jewellery like that of KINRADEN's would look stunning against this natural and luxurious backdrop of ethically-sourced wool. 👀