For their April Information Crusade, ITE's Women in ITE focuses on maximizing #internship opportunities.
As the summer months are quickly approaching, so will an influx of students as they enter the workforce through an internship position. The Women in ITE Subcommittee wanted to be a resource for upcoming interns to hopefully ease the transition from student to employee and provide advice for those anxiously awaiting the opportunity to grow and excel in their potential field.
Every company or organization will be different when it comes to an internship, as some may have a more formalized program with potentially hundreds of interns or the other side of the coin where you may be the sole intern at your company. There is not a one-size-fits-all scenario for an internship and at the end of the day, your experience will be what you make of it.
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Jodi Godfrey Erica Myers, PE, PTOE Kathi Driggs