Ester is celebrating Sustainable Energy Day. At Ester's Boiler run on fuel from Agro-Waste like Rice Husk. our Facilities are located at Khatima in Uttarakhand. Rice is main crop in this part of the country. Rice hulls or husks are the hard protecting coverings of grains of rice. Once Rice Grain is recovered, rice husks can be used for multiple purposes. Rice husk is a byproduct of the rice milling process, and it is a renewable and sustainable fuel source. Ester use it as a Fuel to run its boiler. It is sustainable way to generate our own energy requirement within the factory. Traditional Fuel for Boiler is Coal, Natural Gas or LDO. All are of petrochemical source. These petrochemical fuels are not burnt 100 %. Obviously, after burning green houses gases are released to atmosphere in addition to Carbon Di Oxide. Utilizing rice husk as a fuel offers significant environmental advantages. When burned in specialized biomass power plants, rice husk combustion produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to reducing carbon footprints. Rice husk is used as fuel for steam generation in boilers. the conversion of rice husk to heat energy is obtained by different thermo-chemical process. Combustion takes place in furnaces and gasification in gassifiers. When both the fuels are compared i.e. husk and coal then, it is concluded that husk as fuel is used with low maintenance cost but coal based boilers require much maintenance which leads it to have more cost in comparison to husk. Also pollution created by coal is more than that of husk, which makes husk more reliable than the coal. Innovation & Sustainability are at the core of Ester's endeavors and fundamental to its strategy and vision. Besides manufacturing World-Class Products & Solutions, we also pay close attention to our activities towards protecting the environment, which is reflected not only in what we produce but also how we produce. Rice Husk as a Fuel not only reduces the Green Houses Gases but also create employment in the neighbourhood Agri Farms for unskilled labours. It also adds to some additional income to Rice Mills. To Know More About Ester, It's Initiatives, Culture, Innovations, Innovative Solutions, Products and Applications for Variety of Industry Segments which are designed on the Concept of Bringing & Making Circular Economy a Reality, FOLLOW US, LIKE US, SHARE US AT OUR OFFICIAL LINKEDIN PAGE BELOW.
Today, as we mark Sustainable Energy Day, let's ignite the conversation on powering our future responsibly. #SustainableEnergyDay #CleanEnergyFuture #RenewableRevolution #PolyesterSolutions #EsterIndustries #FilmInnovation #EcoFriendlyFilms #FlexiblePolyester #EsterFilmTech #PackagingInnovation #EsterIndustries